Agenda - 08-30-2011 - 1b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 08-30-2011
Agenda - 08-30-2011 - 1b
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Last modified
8/26/2011 4:17:50 PM
Creation date
8/26/2011 4:17:46 PM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 08-30-2011
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2011
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Regional Nutrient Management Ru-les 1 1 <br />August 2011 <br />watershed must be developed by September 2014 and implemen#ed by <br />Au-gust 20-15. <br />If the-March 201-8 report for the Haw River arm indicates continued impairment <br />in t-his arm of the reserv~'rr, then. Orange ~ountymust develop a Stage If <br />Existing Development Stormwater Prograan for this sub-watershed_ This <br />Program- would need to be developed by September 2018 a-nd implemented by <br />August 2019. <br />The most recent data-collected-from within Jordan Lake is available in the 2010-DWQ <br />water quality monitoring report-for Jordan Lake. This data documents significant water <br />quality violations at aN three of the lake sampling locations in the Upper New Hope- arm <br />of the lake, and lesser violations atone- of the three sampling locations in the Haw River <br />arm of Jordan Lake. <br />The ultimate goal of any required ~5tage II Existing Development Program for Jordan <br />Lake wilfbe to achieve N reductions of 8 percent and P reductions of 5 percent fr-om <br />existing-developed lands relative to the baseline values determined from existing <br />development in 1997-2001. <br />More-significantly, if the March-2023- DWQ monitoring report indicates that the Upper <br />New Hope Ar-m continues to violate water quality standards, then Stage II Programs in <br />this sub-watershed must be modified to achieve N reductions of 35 percent. <br />F. Falls Lake Stage II Requirements <br />Each local government located in the Upper Falls Lake watershed must develop a <br />Stage II Existing Development Load-Reduction Program to be submitted in-2021 <br />and then be updated every 5 years until the required-reductions in loading of 40% <br />for N and 77% for P axe reached. If the Stage I nutrient reduction goal is met by a <br />local government, then further nutrient reductions in Stage II must be achieved annually <br />from existing development which are greater than or equal to the average annual <br />reductions achieved in the last seven years of Stage I, or "provide for an annual <br />expenditure that equals or exceeds the average annual amount the local government <br />has spent to achieve nutrient reductions from existing development during the last <br />seven years of Stage I." <br />If the Stage. I goal were not met, then the local government's initial Stage II program <br />must either achieve annual nutrient reductions from existing development greater than <br />or equal to average annual additional reductions achieved in the highest three years of <br />Stage I implementation, or provide for an annual expenditure that equals or exceeds the <br />average annual amount the local government has spent to achieve nutrient reductions <br />from existing development during the highest three years of implementation of Stage I. <br />
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