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Jay Bryan asked if Hillsborough had looked at the report and Mayor Johnson said that there <br />were some issues that the County and the Town would have to work an. One of the issues is <br />providing jobs sa people will not have to drive so far. Affordable housing is another big issue. <br />Mark Sheridan said that the trick was how to make this a living document that plays a real rate <br />in the decision making. <br />Chair Halkiotis talked about the time it sometimes takes to resolve some issues. He said that <br />there is a point where the citizens have made their recommendations and now it is time for the elected <br />officials to talk amongst themselves. He suggested that the County Commissioner direct the staff to <br />take the top 10 priorities and diagram out what the County is doing. <br />Jackie Gist made reference to the merger issues and felt that they could be deleted. She <br />found this language offensive. <br />Chair Halkiotis said that he would like to send the diagram of the top 10 to the respective <br />boards. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that this report should go back to each governing board. She feels <br />it is a very valuable report. She suggested that the task force complete all the corrections in one or <br />two meetings and get back to the boards by May 30tH <br />Chair Halkiotis said that he would bring this report back to the County Commissioners as an <br />agenda item to decide how to handle it. <br />Allen Spalt said that there has been a lot of discussion and feedback. He said that there was <br />not a lot of disagreement about the top 10 issues. The small paints that are made are very detailed <br />and hard to discuss. He likes Chair Halkiotis' idea of the diagram. He does not think that a group of <br />this size can polish this document. <br />Alex Zaffron suggested that in putting together the process that the respective governing <br />boards evaluate the comments, which have been made by each governing board. He feels that there <br />should be same common process and Gammon format befinreen each governing board. <br />Chair Halkiotis feels that the task force has finished its work. He is happy with the report as it <br />is. He is ready to sit down and do his own assessment, diagram all the things the County is currently <br />doing, pass the diagram to the other elected bodies, and then have a small group come together to <br />figure out what to da next. He said that every elected official has contributed significantly to many of <br />the top 10 issues. <br />Jim Ward said that he just wants to be sure that we do not short-circuit the desires of the task <br />farce to incorporate the comments that have been heard. <br />Ellen Ironside, Ca-Chair of the SOCF task farce, said that the task farce was trying to envision <br />the future, which meant that they were leaping over many steps to come up with a scenario about <br />what really mattered in Orange County and how we could keep the best of that and move into the next <br />30 years with something close to what we value. <br />A motion was made by Chair Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to direct the <br />County staff to diagram all the things the County is doing in relation to the top 10 issues in the SOCF <br />Task Farce report, pass the diagram to the elected bodies, and have a small group come together <br />and discuss how to proceed. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />3. UPDATE ON DISCUSSIONS BETWEEN UNC AND CHAPEL HILL <br />Kevin Foy made this presentation. He said that the Mayor and the Chancellor set up a <br />negotiating committee, and that committee has met a couple of times. The University has told the <br />Town that its concerns are that it will not be able to grow in the way it has to grow in order to fulfill <br />what it considers its mandates and what it considers necessary in order to continue to be an excellent <br />university. The University is afraid that the Tawn is going to get in the way. The University has a plan <br />to spend about a billion dollars in construction efforts over the next 8-10 years. The Town has looked <br />at the community concerns about the impact of this growth -the environment, fiscal impacts, traffic, <br />