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Recommendation <br /> - Receive the proposal to amend the Zoning atlas <br /> - Conduct the Public Hearing and accept public, BOCC, and Planning Board comment <br /> on the proposed amendment <br /> - Refer the matter to the Planning Board with a request that a recommendation be <br /> retumed to the Board of County Commissioners in time for the June 21, 2011 BOCC regular <br /> meeting. <br /> - Adjourn the public hearing until June 21, 2011 in order to receive and accept the <br /> Planning Board's recommendation and any submitted written comments. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked about the line and where it should be in relation to the access <br /> road. It was answered that this is a DOT parcel that is very narrow. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked why the County would want to rezone it if it would strip out the <br /> access road. It is a high-speed entrance to the interstate. Craig Benedict said that this parcel did not <br /> include the access ramp. If it is being used as DOT right-of-way, then it will be removed from the <br /> amendment process. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked that this be clarified. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that if there is some small amount of property that is not within the <br /> right-of-way, he would not want to exclude the rezoning of that small piece of property, because it <br /> would create an inconsistency. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Ben Lloyd said that he has been waiting for 30 years to hear what he has been hearing <br /> tonight. In 1983, he was a new member of the Board of County Commissioners and one of the first <br /> things he found out was that the County did not have any money to pay the bills. The Manager at <br /> that time put a freeze on everything but essential and emergency spending. All capital expenditures <br /> were frozen too. He said that he called the State Department of Commerce and three people came <br /> to visit with him. He said that he was told that Orange County had the most potential to attract good, <br /> clean, high-paying, low water using, non-polluting growth. But due to the lack of interest and <br /> cooperation from Orange County government over the last 15 years prior to that, no one considers it. <br /> He said that Orange County has had a no growth policy for 30 years. He said that this proposal <br /> should have been done 25 years ago. He supports this proposal 200%. <br /> B. B. Windham said that he put in a mobile home park and he still manages it. He said that <br /> the residents are waiting on some economic improvements in the County. He concurred with Ben <br /> Lloyd. He is concerned about the talk about transition. He would like some clarification. He does not <br /> want to lose his mobile home park. <br /> Robin Taylor-Hall of Taylor-Hall properties said that she represents the Susan Efland heirs. <br /> They own 79.23 acres. Ann Efland wrote a letter that was given to the County Commissioners. She <br /> said that the heirs are supportive of the project. The homeplace has been vacant for 10 years and <br /> someone has approached the family to buy just the house. She asked that the three acres that <br /> adjoins the 79.23 acres be included in the rezoning. <br />