Minutes 05-23-2011
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 05-23-2011
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Last modified
11/25/2015 2:26:00 PM
Creation date
8/24/2011 4:46:11 PM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
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Agenda - 05-23-2011
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One other thing I'd like to point out is over on the western side of the property between <br /> these two lots, we are proposing a public access point. It's not an easement or a lot, it's actually <br /> an access point between two lot lines that provides a mulch trail connecting to both the open <br /> space on these two sides of the property, but also this will provide a connection to the <br /> Richmond Hills neighborhood and to the Efland-Cheeks school property. We show the mulch <br /> trail continuing to the south that links with the open space in the southwest corner. This trail <br /> does tie into the stream buffer complex that crosses the northwest corner of the property that <br /> provide connection to the natural environment and any future greenway considerations the <br /> County may have in that area as well as connections to Richmond Hills and Efland-Cedar <br /> Grove. One thing I do want to point out is that the streams in the northwest corner of the <br /> property here along with this associated wetland and then over on the southeast side, this <br /> stream and the associated wetland here are all captured and contained within either the land <br /> use buffer or the open space for the property. We are protecting the stream buffers and the <br /> wetlands in the common area open space of the land use buffer. These areas will not be part of <br /> the individual lots. They rather will be property conveyed to the Homeowners' Association and <br /> protected by it. They won't be in jeopardy of development. <br /> The dark green areas shown on this slide is the proposed land use buffer and then the <br /> property primarily 50 feet around the buffer property, we are requesting further modification on <br /> the land use buffer in this area of 25 feet, as well as along this area of 25 feet. We are also <br /> requesting a further reduction here just due to a limited amount of area on the interior of <br /> Schoolhouse Road curvature there. One reason we are asking for the reduction along the <br /> northern property line, this is all included in your package, but further work needs to be done to <br /> clarify the true northern boundary of the property. What we've shown as part of the <br /> development plan that's in your package are the verified boundaries of the site where there's <br /> clear deed and title to that property. There are some inconsistencies north of our northern <br /> property line that may lend itself to some additional properties being available or conveyed to <br /> Habitat that would further add to the buffer component of the property line. This is the northern <br /> property line that we've worked to with our current site plan and you'll note in your site plan that <br /> there's a possible gap right here up to this next property line where further work needs to be <br /> done to verify which line is applicable. We know the line that we've worked to we have a fair <br /> title to it. Anything beyond that point we simply add to the proposed land use folks. <br /> As required, all conditional use applications have to meet certain findings of fact. I'll just <br /> touch on the main three here— maintain the public health, safety, and general welfare. The key <br /> points here is that the proposed land use associated with this project is consistent with <br /> surrounding development. The goal of this project is to help Orange County meet the need for <br /> affordable housing in the County. This project does bring with it new infrastructure to benefit the <br /> area. It is bringing safe and sustainable development for the reasons that Ms. Levy has already <br /> touched on and to a minor degree with eliminate some existing blight out there with the <br /> elimination of abandoned homes. <br /> The second finding of fact here, the use will maintain or enhance the value of contiguous <br /> property. Ms. Levy just passed out the second item for entrance into the public record tonight, <br /> it's an impact analysis provided by Mr. Everett Knight. We ask that you consider this as part of <br /> your evaluation of the property. Mr. Knight did study the project as we currently have it <br /> designed as well as evaluate the surrounding properties and existing development in the area. <br /> I'll just read to you what he has as part of the impact analysis: `It is my opinion that the <br /> proposed Tinnin Woods will be consistent with and enhance other existing uses in the <br /> immediate and surrounding area and will have no negative effect on the value of surrounding <br />
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