ORD-2011-027 Central Efland - Northern Buckhorn Sewer Extensions – Funding (Including Budget Amendment #1-A) Bid Award and Construction
Board of County Commissioners
Ordinance 2010-2019
ORD-2011-027 Central Efland - Northern Buckhorn Sewer Extensions – Funding (Including Budget Amendment #1-A) Bid Award and Construction
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Last modified
3/12/2019 3:11:35 PM
Creation date
8/24/2011 4:33:13 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Agenda - 08-23-2011 - 8c
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5 <br />After strategic review of the existing and proposed sewer systems in Efland, an alternative <br />engineering design may create short and long term benefits in costs and service area. A brief <br />explanation follows. <br />The present Efland sewer system flows by gravity to the existing McGowan Creek Lift Station <br />(MCLS) built in 1988 near Efland -Cedar Grove Road. From this collection point sewage is then <br />a pumped via a sewage force main to the Town of Hillsborough for treatment. The Central <br />Efland Phase II (area east of and downstream from the MCLS)- proposes a new sewage lift <br />station on Brookh-ollow Road (BRLS) which collects a -new service area that flows by gravity to <br />this new station that is -then pumped `upstream' to the old MCLS. <br />Since the proposed BRLS -is `downstream' from- the old MCLS, a- new gravity sewer main or <br />interceptor can be designed -to allow existing sewer flows to flow through (without pumping) the <br />MCLS and continue through this new gravity line (approximately 2,000 LF) to the BRLS_ This <br />alternate design accomplishes several goals: <br />1. Eliminates the need for a new lift station (BRLS) to pump to an old lift station (MCLS) <br />which is in need of approximately $400,000 of repair. <br />2. Creates a new interceptor service area (consistent with the Efland-Mebane Small Area <br />Plan) for additional property and customers that were not included in the original design. <br />3 Reduces the distance of .pumping to Hillsborough since the BRLS is closer and <br />eventually can be the one lift station instead of two (major reduction in maintenance and <br />operating costs) that changes pumping direction to another treatment system. <br />4. Removes the old MCLS function which is close to McGowan Creek. <br />There are two funding sources for *his project- $3.5 million from the State Revolving Loan Fund <br />and a grant of $1,348,400 from an EPA SPAP Grant. The State agrees monies from the SRF <br />loan can be used to expend- on this -alternate which enhances the existing and proposed <br />systems. Projected monies from EPA and SRF sources can accommodate the - original and <br />alternate design because of lower construction bids. The difference between the bid and the <br />-budget is reserved for this alternate project. This alternate design still needs to be engineered, <br />permitted and -bid and, if at all possible from a timing standpoint, coordinated into the proposed <br />project. <br />The design for this work will begin as soon as a design and construction administrator is <br />chosen. A separate -bid for construction will be necessary at a later date. Whether design and <br />permitting can `-catch up' to the present work is not yet known. In any event, this proposed <br />design enhancement will provide a system that can be more efficiently operated. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact from approving the Resolution of Award. <br />The contract with J.F. Wilkerson Contracting Company is for $2,942,954.46 and has been <br />accounted for in the County's CiP and is within budgeted amounts. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S)-: The Manager recommends that the Board: <br />A. Funding <br />1. Accept the EPA Special Appropriations Grant Funds for Construction of the <br />Central Efland & North Buckhorn Sewer Improvements (Attachment 1) <br />2. Ratify the Resolution noting acceptance of Central Efland — Phase 2 Northern <br />Buckhorn Sewer Systems State Revolving Loan (Attachment 2) <br />3. Approve Budget Amendment #1 -A <br />
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