Orange County NC Website
4 <br />19,514 linear feet of 8 inch gravity sewers with a 250 G.P.M. Pump Station and 2,460 linear feet <br />of 6 inch ductile iron- force main to serve the Efland Community. Bids for this project were <br />advertised and received on June 23, 2011. Nine bidders submitted responses to the solicitation - <br />including Triangle Grading & Paving. <br />B.1.b: To consider a Resolution awarding the construction contract for Central Efland Phase 2 <br />and North Buckhorn sewer system extensions to J. F. Wilkerson Contracting Company. <br />BACKGROUND: Bids were received for this -project (Project No. CS370884 -01, STAG Project <br />No. XP- 95456511 -0) on June 23, 201-1- After a period of review of the bid documents by the <br />County's engineering consultant, Coulter, Jewell, Thames, and due diligence investigation by <br />County staff, J.F. Wilkerson -Contracting -Company was- determined to be a- responsive, <br />responsible bidder for this project. With the agreed to withdrawal of Triangle Grading & <br />Paving's bid, J.F. -Wilkerson. Contracting Company becomes the lowest, responsive and <br />responsible bidder- for-this project. <br />Because this project is funded by both -. an EPA Special Appropriations Grant and a State <br />Revolving Fund Loan, the State Construction Grants -& Loans (CG &L) office must review the bid <br />documents and other information regarding the project prior to issuing an "Authority to Award" <br />notice to the County. The deadlines imposed by the SRF Loan process required that Orange <br />County be issued the "Authority to Award" from the State CG&L office on or before August 1, <br />2011, or risk losing the SRF Loan - funds. As a part of the Project Bid Information packet, the <br />CG &L office typically requires that the governing board adopt a Resolution of Tentative Award; <br />which says the board intends to award the contract to the lowest, responsible, responsive <br />bidder once given the "Authority to Award" from the State. <br />In this case, however, the BOCC was on summer breaks when the bids came in. This meeting <br />is the first opportunity available for the Resolution of Tentative Award. The CG &L office has <br />granted the County a variance from its normal procedure by allowing the BOCC to adopt the <br />Resolution of Award now, after the Authority to Award had been issued by the State -on August <br />1, 2011. Therefore, the Resolution before the Board is a Resolution of Award rather than a <br />Resolution of Tentative Award because the State has already reviewed the contractor choice <br />and issued the Authority to Award. <br />This Resolution, along with the actual contract and supporting documents, will be submitted to <br />the State CG &L office for review. Submission and approval of the contract documents and this <br />Resolution are required in order to meet the next funding deadline on September 1, 2011. <br />J.F. Wilkerson submitted the lowest responsible bid that was responsive. A copy of the <br />tabulation is Attachment 3. The Resolution of Award is Attachment 4. If the Board awards this <br />bid, a notice to proceed will be issued in mid - September with an estimated completion date of <br />December 2012. <br />B -5 RELATED ALTERNATE `OUTFALL' ENGINEERING DESIGN <br />