Minutes 06-16-2011
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 06-16-2011
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Last modified
11/25/2015 2:21:02 PM
Creation date
8/24/2011 11:50:59 AM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda - 06-16-2011
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2. County Commissioners: Policy/Process Governinq the Selection Process of <br /> BOCC Boards/Commissions Assiqnments <br /> Chair Pelissier said that many of the Board members wanted to revisit this item. She <br /> asked for suggestions from the County Commissioners. <br /> Policy Governing the Selection Process of BOCC Boards/Commissions Assignments <br /> (2009 version) <br /> - Each BOCC member (veteran) shall choose two boards that they currently serve on <br /> that cannot be taken away by the other BOCC members. <br /> - Least senior members of the Board will choose two boards on which to serve <br /> (suggestion is to do this alphabetically— by last name) <br /> - The round robin process of choosing boards/commissions shall begin, with the least <br /> senior BOCC members (alphabetically) choosing one board, and following with <br /> other board members, from least senior to most senior member of the BOCC, <br /> choosing one board at a time. <br /> - Round Robin will not include short-term taskforces (limited duration), ex-officio <br /> boards, and non-O. C. boards with BOCC in officer positions, (these also cannot be <br /> taken away by other BOCC members) <br /> - In regards to BOCC members attendance at any board/commission/task force <br /> meetings: <br /> o There shall not be any more than 2 BOCC members assigned to any one <br /> board/commission/task force <br /> o Any third/fourth commissioner that attends any task force/staff work group <br /> meetings can only attend as a silent observer <br /> o In the event that 2 Commissioners are assigned to any <br /> board/commission/task force meeting and one other Commissioner is <br /> assigned as an alternate, that person (the alternate) can attend as a silent <br /> observer and only become a voting or participating member if one of the <br /> other assigned Commissioners is not in attendance (Volunteer Resolution <br /> #9) <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she did talk to Commissioner Foushee about this since <br /> Commissioner Foushee could not attend this meeting. She said that Commissioner Foushee <br /> said she liked the process they are currently using and would like to keep two boards because <br /> it allows the member to work on things in which the person has interest and knowledge. <br /> Commissioner Foushee thinks that a Board member should not be forced to take an <br /> assignment. <br /> Commissioner Gordon agreed with Commissioner Foushee's comments and her major <br /> reason is that members can work on things that they are passionate about and there is <br /> continuity and expertise. She likes the current process. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that there is value in having continuity, but after a point <br /> reserving two boards for each Commissioner in perpetuity hinders other members from <br /> indulging their passion if it coincides. He suggested putting a term limit on the number of <br /> consecutive years a Board member can reserve a particular board. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs agreed with Commissioner Yuhasz and he suggested one term <br /> in office, four years, and it should be retroactive for those serving, <br />
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