Minutes 05-26-2011
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 05-26-2011
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Last modified
11/25/2015 2:24:41 PM
Creation date
8/24/2011 11:17:55 AM
Meeting Type
Budget Sessions
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Agenda - 05-26-2011
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Commissioner Foushee asked what would happen if the State gives the County the <br /> responsibility of housing misdemeanants for six months instead of 90 days and how that would <br /> work in providing capacity. <br /> Sheriff Pendergrass said that if this happens, they will have to start shifting the number <br /> of prisoners. <br /> Commissioner Foushee asked about the time period for the contract with the federal <br /> government. Sheriff Pendergrass said that there is two years left on the contract. He can <br /> reduce the number of prisoners. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that last year the Sheriff asked for 12 vehicles and asked if <br /> he was getting close to what he had asked for last year. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if the Sheriff was comfortable with the planning of a jail <br /> expansion or some other alternative for space. <br /> Frank Clifton said that he and the Sheriff have been working closely on this and <br /> evaluating options. One of the critical issues is that expanding in downtown Hillsborough is <br /> probably not an option. They have been meeting with a firm that is giving some options and <br /> prices. <br /> Sheriff Pendergrass invited the County Commissioners to come and visit the jail. <br /> Aaina <br /> Budget Analyst Paul Laughton made reference to page 3-1 and gave an overview of <br /> the budget. He introduced Janice Tyler. <br /> The total expenditures are about $1.4 million, which is an increase in $20,000. This <br /> includes a transfer of 0.25 FTE of the Aging Director and 0.25 FTE of the Senior Citizen <br /> Program Administrator position. This also includes a full year of funding for an Aging Director. <br /> This is an increase of $26,000. The budget also includes some losses of positions. Two <br /> social workers have been transferred to the Department of Social Services. This was an <br /> impact of about $110,000 of deductions. The increase in operations is $50,000 and this is <br /> additional funding of $55,000 in contract service line items for the senior lunch program at both <br /> senior centers. Page 3-5 shows the number of ineals served. <br /> Chair Pelissier made reference to page 3-2 and offsetting revenues and the statement <br /> "generate 50% of the department's budget from non-County sources." She asked if that was a <br /> stable percentage. Kathie Kearns said that this was in FY 2010-11. This fiscal year it is <br /> slightly less. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that the eldercare program line has decreased by half since <br /> 2009-10. He asked if this was reflected in the change in staffing and Janice Tyler said yes, the <br /> position is going to DSS. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs applauded Janice Tyler and DSS for this collaboration. <br /> Child Support Enforcement <br /> This is on page 9-1. The total expenditure is about $950,000, which is an increase of <br /> $40,000. The capital outlay of $20,000 is related to the purchase of furnishings (work stations, <br /> desk chairs, and tables related to the move to the west campus). The department has also <br /> requested an additional $13,000 related to scanning equipment to be shared by the 12 staff <br /> members and software. These would be purchased with the current available funds from the <br /> IT Capital. <br /> Frank Clifton said that this building is rented and it has been purchased by a group that <br /> is bringing a business to Hillsborough. The plan is to move the operation to the basement of <br /> the office building where additional space was planned. The lease ends in November 2012. <br />
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