Orange County NC Website
"We, Orange County Voice in partnership with RENA/CEER and the member <br /> organizations of Justice United, are asking you tonight to send a message that Orange County <br /> is no longer investing in its legacy landfill infrastructure. Instead the county is setting a new <br /> solid waste priority—to develop a long term plan for handling its waste and recycling —which will <br /> set the context for all our investments moving forward. <br /> As part of the plan, please seek innovative ways of handling all of our waste streams — <br /> including sewage sludge and hospital waste. Plus seek new, less expensive ways to recycle. <br /> Explore outsourcing —which as you know is working well for the in-town recycling program that <br /> is handled by Waste Industries. <br /> A moratorium on new solid waste programs and fee changes could accomplish some of <br /> the goals you have for Orange County like putting sewer and water in the Rogers Road <br /> community. There are no major service problems today—except the need to expand the <br /> convenience center hours. <br /> Everything on the county's project list can wait until you have a long term plan in place to <br /> handle our waste. This is essential to determine how all other programs and projects should be <br /> put into place and their timing. Just as you have made a major commitment to economic <br /> development, and we applaud you for that; we need the same commitment for a clear vision for <br /> handling our waste. Time is of the essence. <br /> These actions would go a long way to assure us that the county is listening and investing <br /> in programs that will serve us in the short and long term. <br /> Thank you for your service. We are prepared to help if/as you need us." <br /> Sam Gharbo applauded the Board of County Commissioners for their meeting last night <br /> at the quarterly public hearing. He said that it was a substantive move that was not just lip <br /> service. He said that when the Board of County Commissioners had its proposal a few times <br /> ago for the Efland sewer system, there was a chart that showed numbers for potential rates. He <br /> asked the Board to think about the spirit of the direction that citizens have been following for the <br /> past couple of years. The County Commissioners have come to the conclusion that they want <br /> to tie to the Mebane rate. The charts that were given use numbers that are theoretical only and <br /> are placeholders. These numbers are not actual figures. He said that he appreciated the <br /> Board's hard work on the budget. <br /> John deFigreiredo said that the school funding is 47% of the County's budget and the <br /> County Commissioners have very difficult decisions to make. He said that the per pupil funding <br /> is proposed at$3,102 per student, which represents a $6 increase relative to last year. He said <br /> that the consumer price index is rising at about 3% per year, so if you take the 3% index and <br /> factor that into how much the budget should rise, he would expect a $95 increase per student. <br /> The budget proposed is a 3% real decrease in the budget allocation on a per-student basis. He <br /> wishes that the County Commissioners would consider that as they consider the future of <br /> education in the Triangle and in Orange County. <br /> Frank Clifton said that there have been several requests from the fire departments for an <br /> increase and this will be part of the upcoming budget work session discussions during fire <br /> department reviews. <br /> In answer to a question from Commissioner Gordon, Frank Clifton said that White Cross <br /> fire department is interested in serving the area that is served by North Chatham at this time. <br />