Minutes - 04-16-2001
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 04-16-2001
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Chair Halkiotis said that in two years if the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools need another high <br />school and Orange County's new high school only has 300 ar 400 students, would it Hat seem more feasible <br />to have one system. <br />lines. <br />Rod Visser said that a dialogue needs to take place about sharing facilities across school boundary <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that when the County Commissioners met with the two school boards, <br />they indicated they would be looking at collaboration in specific areas so he feels they will pursue that <br />direction. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked if the bond committee has the information about the capacity and <br />membership of each <br />school. She requested this information which she indicated should be fonrarded to the Capital Needs Task <br />Force. <br />4. OPEN SPACE TASK FORCE REPORT <br />Environment and Resource Conservation Director David Stancil said that the Commissioner's task <br />force has been meeting for the past few months. They have been working to try to integrate everything that <br />has been done with open space over the past few years. He said that what has been prepared is very similar <br />to the Lands Legacy document. Section B an the second page of the Executive Summary list the goals for <br />parks, open space and resource lands. They are listed below: <br />/ Work toward completion of projects in the 1988 County Master Recreation and Parks Plan <br />/ Work toward completion of projects {acquisition and facilities) suggested in the 1999 Joint Master <br />Recreation and Parks Wark Group report <br />/ Promote appropriate joint parks and open space projects between Town and County, consistent <br />with adopted criteria <br />/ Acquire top Priority identified Natural Areas and Wildlife Habitat and Prime Forests <br />/ Acquire conservation easements on top priority Prime and Threatened Farmland in Water Supply <br />Watersheds <br />/ Aggressively pursue grants and partnerships with other local governments and associations <br />David Stancil continued saying that pages 4 and 5 lists the short-term priorities {2-5 years) for land <br />acquisitions for parks, open space and resource conservation and park and open space facility development. <br />He said that the Task Force would like for the County Commissioners to approve the Executive Summary <br />and the two tables on pages 4 and 5 so that the report can be forwarded to the Capital Needs Task Force <br />next week. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Carey about soccer fields, David Stancil said that they <br />have been integrated into both tables. Also, some soccer fields would be included in some of the facilities <br />listed on page 2 of the report. <br />Several questions were asked by the County Commissioners and were answered satisfactory <br />by David Stancil. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he would still like to see the County Commissioners make a <br />statement about having abalance -north and south - in spending priorities. There is nothing in Efland or <br />Fairview Park, and the vast majority of the spending is in the southern part of the County. He would like to <br />see some sort of language to indicate that over the years, achieving a balance would be priority. <br />David Stancil said that he needs to know from the County Commissioners what to share with the <br />Capital Needs task force on April 25tH <br />
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