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John Link will come back with examples and some potential resources that may be available from the <br />University. <br />Commissioner Gordon suggested using two different types of consultants -one for organizational structure <br />and one for expertise in specific content areas. For the study on solid waste, she would like to see public <br />works included. <br />Chair Halkiotis made reference to IT and said that IT has to be looked at and suggested putting IT in <br />the middle to indicate its importance as it reaches out to all of County government. He would like to know if <br />there is adequate sharing of software. The GIS investment was money well spent. <br />John Link reiterated that he will report back on studies done for other government entities, start <br />examining what folks can do, internally and externally and add the concept of IT and the IT plan. He will <br />report back on wham they can get to do the study. He will work with Commissioner Gordan and <br />Commissioner Jacobs and the consultant an Transportation issues. <br />3. INTERIM CAPITAL INVESTMENT PLAN PROPOSAL <br />Jahn Link asked that Donna Dean came forward to present the interim CIP proposal. He said that this <br />does not have an impact on what we are now funding. He said that it is likely that all priority capital needs far <br />County and School projects can be addressed solely through the November 2001 bond referendum. Also the <br />amount of the pay-as-you-go funds in future years is limited. He outlined the interim proposal and listed the <br />pay-as-you-go projects that will begin July 1, 2001. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked if the 10-year plan would be changed. Budget Director Donna Dean <br />said that one thing that changes from year to year is the amount of sales tax the County receives. Those <br />projections have been revised downward for the next 10-years. <br />Commissioner Gordon feels that it is really important to look at the needs for the next ten years and <br />the money that it will take to fund the needs. It would be much better to work back and determine what needs <br />to be funded by the bond. <br />John Link said that he is suggesting that the CIP not be adopted at the time the budget ordinance is <br />adopted but that adoption be postponed until it is decided what will be an the November bond referendum. <br />Commissioner Carey feels that the projects will not change over the next ten years, but how they are <br />funded may change. He sees no reason to do the CIP until it is determined what the band will include. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked how the County has handled bond years before and John Link said that <br />this particular bond year presents a lot more opportunities and challenges. The County needs include Justice <br />facilities, community college and other County space issues. The number of major projects have never been <br />as numerous. There is going to be less money coming into the County and also some constraints. <br />Commissioner Brown asked if it is better to postpone spending money as long as you can an a <br />project. John Link said that it depends on the project. Factors that are positive for postponing would depend <br />on the urgency of the project. <br />Commissioner Brown said that we have a high school, middle school and an elementary school <br />coming on line. She asked if a bond issue would be necessary if there was only one school district. <br />John Link said that the needs are based on the dialogue that the County Commissioners have had <br />with the two school boards. If the data indicates that this school or that school needs to be built by a certain <br />time, the Board's policy is driving the County Commissioners forward to build the schools in time. <br />