Minutes - 04-16-2001
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 04-16-2001
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of Issues that this study would address. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that as the County Commissioners respond to these five focus areas that <br />they will hear issues that ga beyond the study and can, at that time, take that information back to the County <br />Manager. <br />Commissioner Jacobs feels it would be good to let employees have input into this study. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she is shocked at the cost of this study and does not support <br />spending $130,000 for a study. She feels internal staff could do some of this work. She said that not all of <br />these issues are substantive issues for which money should be spent. She believes much of it could be done <br />easily inhouse. She feels the County Commissioners should ask staff to do one or two areas and then report <br />back to the Board. She does not feel that it will be the consultant's job to look at the interaction of all the <br />departments and analyze the functions of all these departments. <br />Commissioner Carey said that there are a variety of opinions of what should be studied and if a <br />consultant should be used. He feels that it revolves on the credibility of the report. Part of the reason for <br />doing any type of study like this is to get a fresh clear independent study so that the product will not be <br />viewed as protecting one's turf from being scrutinized. We need to decide those areas for which we need to <br />get a consultant. He has no interest in doing an inhouse study. The purpose is to add credibility that goes <br />beyond our perception so that we can have this information. We need to decide what set of functions on <br />which to focus. <br />Chair Halkiotis said that it would be helpful if Elaine Holmes could find another County, which has <br />done this sort of study and find out the pros and cans of doing such a study. Communications would be a <br />good place to begin because all the departments communicating with each other would be a piece of this <br />study. He also feels we should look at services to the elderly. Solid waste is being driven by outside forces <br />and we need to be careful and get this under control. While Solid waste is important, he would start with <br />Communications and move forward from there. <br />Commissioner Jacobs agreed with Commissioner Carey. The NCACC recently did an organizational <br />assessment and so did OWASA and TJCOG -three examples. He agrees with beginning with these five <br />issues. Maybe communications should include Information Technology (IT} and coordinating the different <br />areas. These areas need a new perspective and we would hope that we would get from this report <br />alternative ways of doing things. He would add for solid waste that it is in transition from a landfill driven <br />enterprise to a solid waste enterprise. He does not feel that we have the expertise internally to look at how to <br />approach things differently. Also it would give our staff an incentive to look at different ways of doing things. <br />He feels it will be good for the consultant to hear what the County Commissioners have to say about these <br />issues. He supports this proposal. <br />Commissioner Brown agreed with Commissioner Carey. She asked specific questions about what it <br />would cover and what it would not cover. She asked about DSS and Health and Elaine Holmes said that it <br />would not go into thane departments except as they serve the senior population. Commissioner Brown said <br />that she would like to see one of these studies. <br />John Link said that we can get copies of reports from other entities. When we talk about consultants, <br />it may be that we have some resources at the University who may want to be involved in this study. <br />Commissioner Brown asked if this would have levels of feedback from employees and John Link said <br />that a consultant could do surveys that would get this information. Jahn Link said that he has no hesitancy at <br />examining what we do. He feels that this organization works as hard as any organization he knows. The <br />question is are we putting resources in the best location. <br />Commissioner Brown feels that the Strategic Information Technology (I T) plan is crucial and should <br />be included in the study. <br />
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