Orange County NC Website
sales tax not be removed until sales tax revenues have recovered from the <br /> recessionary levels. She thanked the County Commissioners for their past support. She hopes <br /> that the County Commissioners will fund a continuation budget for CHCCS. <br /> NON-PUBLIC HEARING ITEM <br /> 4. Oranqe County Transit Plan: Draft Financial Plan for Rail and Bus Investment <br /> Chair Pelissier said that Triangle Transit would be on their way shortly. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that in the meantime, she gave the Board a summary of the recent <br /> Orange County Leadership Transit meetings to discuss the Orange County Transit Plan. The <br /> goal is to develop a financial plan to be brought back to the individual elected boards. She said <br /> that they have discussed this issue and the bus plan. She said that there will be a cost-sharing <br /> with Durham County and Orange County that is agreed upon by both counties. They are having <br /> this work session because the timeline has been sped up, since Durham County has decided to <br /> put both a '/4-cent sales tax and a %2-cent transit tax on the ballot in the fall. She wanted Orange <br /> County to have the same discussion. One of the issues that came up this week at their meeting <br /> is that with the %2-cent transit tax, Durham County was to make their decision before the end of <br /> June, but then it got changed to the end of July. The Board has received some information in <br /> the packets that was briefly discussed on Tuesday. There are some general plans for the light <br /> rail. <br /> Chair Pelissier suggested talking about the bus plan until Triangle Transit <br /> representatives arrive. The bus plan was just presented to the Board of County Commissioners <br /> on Tuesday and none of this information has been presented to the Towns in Orange County. <br /> The Towns would have to buy in before moving forward. <br /> Planning Director Craig Benedict said that about a year ago, Orange County took a <br /> stronger role in the Orange County Transit Plan. He showed some maps of the Triangle region. <br /> It has been decided that there would be two systems — one from UNC to Alston Avenue and <br /> then another system in Wake County that would go from Cary to North Raleigh. More recently, <br /> a commuter route element has come about that would connect the dots between the light rail. <br /> There is an idea in the group that maybe Orange County should pay for 20% of the line between <br /> UNC and Duke and maybe Durham County could pay the remainder. <br /> Regarding a fair share financially, Triangle J was hired to do an analysis of what they <br /> called a Shared Benefit Area, and Craig Benedict showed this area on a map. They finally <br /> came to the conclusion that Durham County would pay for the parts that are in Durham County. <br /> The scenario discussed tonight is suggesting that Orange County pay for portions of <br /> light rail within Durham County, but within the Chapel Hill Town Limits. <br /> He went through Attachment 4 which was the Durham-Orange Triangle Regional Transit <br /> Program Financial Plan Draft. <br /> He said that staff of Hillsborough, Mebane, Carrboro, Orange County, Chapel Hill, <br /> Triangle Transit, and UNC met on a regular basis for about six months to determine which bus <br /> routes need to be augmented to provide better service. The group came up with goals and <br /> priorities. <br /> David King, Executive Director of Triangle Transit, made a PowerPoint presentation. <br /> The Orange County Bus and Rail Investment Plan <br /> Maps of peak hour volumes (red is bad, yellow is getting bad, and green is ok) <br />