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Triangle Transit's offer to meet one-on-one for more information. She said that the <br /> compressed timeframe is making this all more difficult. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that the County Commissioners need to focus on the transit plan <br /> before they decide to put anything on a ballot. She summarized some of the principles: <br /> • Cost sharing between Durham County and Orange County—this is vital to the plan and <br /> the concern is whether the cost sharing is reasonable. She feels it is reasonable. <br /> • Does this cost sharing give them sufficient monies to do the bus plan in the first three <br /> years? <br /> • Need feedback on the prioritization of the bus service from the Towns. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that she wants to know what needs to be discussed about the plan. <br /> This is the homework that they all need to do regardless of when they put the transit item on a <br /> ballot. <br /> Commissioner Foushee said that she has been part of the process and Chair Pelissier's <br /> comments are on point. She said that a lot of the time they have spent in this process so far <br /> has been on the bus service. She said that Commissioner Gordon's comments about planning <br /> for transit is one of the most crucial points of all. She does not want Orange County to miss out <br /> on being part of the solution for regional transportation. She said that right now there is no <br /> commitment from Durham or Wake Counties to put this on the ballot in November. However, <br /> she would not want to stop the conversation about the future of transit. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz made reference to the number of parking spaces at the rail <br /> station and said that 4,000 spaces may not be enough in the long-term. He needs to see the <br /> information about how this will all work out. <br /> David King said that the information does exist. He said that Triangle Transit has been <br /> leading this effort but the land use decisions are made by the jurisdictions themselves. He said <br /> that he would be glad to sit down with the County Commissioners and talk through this further. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that her peers have different areas of experience with the concept of <br /> light rail. She suggested that Board members meet individually with Triangle Transit to learn <br /> why they need light rail or at least schedule a work session to learn this information. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that he would prefer having this information be presented to <br /> the Board versus individually. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that he would like a presentation focused on the light rail <br /> component and assumptions on the land use. <br /> Frank Clifton said that it will be difficult to explain to the public and there will have to be a <br /> high level of trust developed between the County and the public over this plan because it will be <br /> 15 years before the train runs. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked about the rider fee and what percentage of Triangle Transit <br /> is fare free. David King said that 100% of the service requires a fare. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that this is one of the areas that lack clarity. Chapel Hill Transit is <br /> free, but TTA is not free. It is not totally clear how this is going to work with the additional bus <br /> hours. She said that the Towns' expectation is that it would be an expansion of Chapel Hill <br /> Transit and would be free. <br /> Discussion ensued about the assumptions of the Chapel Hill Transit being fare free. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz asked for more information about when the tax is implemented <br /> and the light rail comes to fruition. <br /> David King said that it is built into the financial model. He clarified that the elected <br /> boards decide and TTA implements it. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that the one thing not fixed in the plan is the bus route and they still <br /> need public comment about it. Over time, the light rail might take ridership off the 54 route, and <br /> then there would be dividend hours. The County is responsible, but the Towns are large <br /> stakeholders. This is not yet clear. She does not think the Towns really understand what this <br />