Orange County NC Website
� <br /> WHEREAS, Orange County has an adopted goal promoting the preservation of <br /> farmland in the County; and <br /> WHEREAS, one component of the Lands Legacy Program is the acquisition of <br /> conservation easements on prime farmland within water supply watersheds; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Sykes dairy farm includes approximately 160 acres in the Cane Creek <br /> protected watershed, consists entirely of prime agricultural soils, and is located in an <br /> agricultural community with good access to farm markets; and <br /> WHEREAS, Orange County intends to accept an agricultural conservation easement <br /> that would help to conserve the natural and scenic values of this farmland; and <br /> WHEREAS, a matching grant was awarded to Orange County from the federal Farm <br /> and Ranch Land Protection Program to help purchase the conservation easement; and <br /> WHEREAS, a conservation easement on this 160 acres would ensure the preservation <br /> of this farmland for future generations and help to compensate the owners for this long- <br /> term commitment; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Orange County Board of <br /> Commissioners does hereby 1) accept on behalf of Orange County the agricultural <br /> conservation easement to protect prime farmland owned by Sykes Family Limited <br /> Partnership; 2) approve the execution of this conservation easement agreement with <br /> Sykes Family Limited Partnership, in accordance with the terms of the proposed <br /> easement agreement, subject to final review by staff and the County Attorney; 3) <br /> authorize the Chair and the Clerk to sign the easement agreement on behalf of the <br /> Board, with a closing to occur on or about June 30, 2011; and 4) authorize County staff <br /> to sign any and all closing documents upon consultation with the County Attorney. <br /> This the 3rd day of May, 2011. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Hemminger to adopt a resolution approving the acceptance by Orange County of the <br /> conservation easement and authorize the Chair and the Clerk to sign the conservation <br /> easement agreement, subject to final review by staff and County Attorney, with a closing and <br /> recordation of the document expected to occur on or about June 30, 2011, and approve <br /> Budget Amendment#9-A. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> b. Bus Route 420 (Hillsborouqh to Chapel Hill) Service Chanqes <br /> The Board considered approving changes of Route 420 as proposed by Triangle <br /> Transit and Orange Public Transportation (OPT). <br /> Planning Director Craig Benedict introduced AI Terry, Orange Public Transportation <br /> Manager. He said that this item has to do with bus route 420, which is a route between <br />