Orange County NC Website
� <br /> c. Motor Vehicle Property Tax Release/Refunds <br /> The Board adopted a refund resolution, which is incorporated by reference, related to 36 <br /> requests for motor vehicle property tax releases or refunds in accordance with NCGS. <br /> d. Oranqe County HOME Consortium Aqreement <br /> The Board adopted a resolution, which is incorporated by reference, authorizing the <br /> execution of a HOME Consortium Agreement for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011 <br /> e. Community Development Block Grant Proqram —Adoption of Section 3 Plan and <br /> Equal Employment and Procurement Plan <br /> The Board adopted and authorized the Chair to sign the Section 3 Plan and Equal <br /> Employment and Procurement Plan for two FY 2010 Community Development Block Grant <br /> Awards. <br /> f. Consolidated Housinq Plan Annual Action Plan/HOME Proqram <br /> The Board adopted a Resolution, which is incorporated by reference, approving the FY <br /> 2011-2012 Consolidated Housing Plan Annual Action Plan; and adopted a Resolution, <br /> which is incorporated by reference, approving the proposed HOME Program Activates for <br /> 2011-2012 and authorized the Manager to implement the program. <br /> g_ Leqal Advertisement for Quarterly Public Hearinq — May 23, 2011 <br /> The Board approved the legal advertisement for items to be presented at the joint Board of <br /> county Commissioners/Planning Board Quarterly Public Hearing scheduled for May 23, <br /> 2011. <br /> h. Expansion of Reqional Partnership Workforce Development Board (WDB) <br /> The Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign the Regional Consortium Partnership <br /> Agreement; the Resolution Designating the Regional Partnership to encompass <br /> Montgomery and Moore Counties; and the State and Local Area Memorandum of <br /> Agreement. The Board also authorized staff to continue its research and return in the fall <br /> with additional assessment of future implications and options for realignment more <br /> favorable to county needs. <br /> VOTE ON CONSENT AGENDA: UNANIMOUS <br /> 6. Items Removed From Consent Aqenda — NONE <br /> 7. Public Hearinqs - NONE <br /> 8. Reqular Aqenda <br /> a. Resolution of Approval — Conservation Easement for the Svkes Dairy Farm; <br /> and Approval of Budqet Amendment #9-A <br /> The Board considered a resolution to approve the purchase of and acceptance by <br /> Orange County of an agricultural conservation easement for the Sykes family dairy, and <br /> approve Budget Amendment#9-A and authorize the Chair and the Clerk to sign. <br /> Department of Environment, Agriculture, Parks, and Recreation Director Dave Stancil <br /> said that he is pleased to come on the nearly 10th anniversary of the first agricultural <br /> conservation easement to share about this project for the Sykes Dairy. This is one of eight <br /> remaining dairies in Orange County. He gave some background information. <br /> Land Conservation Manager Rich Shaw made a PowerPoint presentation. <br /> Agricultural Conservation Easement <br />