Orange County NC Website
� <br /> Commissioners, the Orange County Historic Preservation Commission, the Historical <br /> Foundation of Hillsborough and Orange County, the Alliance for Historic Hillsborough and the <br /> National Trust for Historic Preservation; <br /> NOW THEREFORE, we, the Orange County Board of Commissioners, do hereby proclaim <br /> May 2011 as National Historic Preservation Month in Orange County and call upon the people <br /> of Orange County to join their fellow residents across the United States in recognizing and <br /> participating in this special observance. <br /> This the 3rd day of May, 2011. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Yuhasz, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br /> to approve proclaiming May 2011 as National Historic Preservation Month in Orange County <br /> and authorize the Chair to sign. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> b. Older Americans Month Proclamation <br /> The Board considered approving a proclamation joining Federal and State <br /> governments in designating the month of May 2011 as Older Americans Month in Orange <br /> County and authorizing the Chair to sign. <br /> Director on Aging Janice Tyler said that this year's theme is Connecting the <br /> Community. This is especially fitting with the first Baby Boomers turning 65 years old this year. <br /> She said that 7,000 Boomers will be turning 65 every day for the next five years. This <br /> explosion of the population will have a dramatic effect on the community. There are currently <br /> over 19,000 older adults in Orange County and by the year 2030 this number will have <br /> doubled. She spoke about the upcoming events. <br /> She read the proclamation. <br /> Proclamation <br /> Older Americans Month - May 2011 <br /> WHEREAS, Orange County is a community that includes over 19,000 residents aged 60 and <br /> older and this population is the fastest growing segment of Orange County's population; and <br /> WHEREAS, the older adults in Orange County are the roots from which our community grows, <br /> who bestow gifts of wisdom and insight upon younger generations, and strengthen the bonds <br /> between neighbors to create a better place to live; and <br /> WHEREAS, our society can be enhanced by older adults aging peacefully in their <br /> communities; and <br /> WHEREAS, the older adults in Orange County should be commended for their role in creating <br /> and bolstering the fiber of our community and nation; and <br /> WHEREAS, our community can provide that recognition and respect by enriching the quality of <br /> life for older Americans by: <br /> Increasing their opportunities to remain in their communities as active and engaged <br /> residents; <br />