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Chair Halkiotis Hated that the Department of Environment and Resource Conservation was <br />approved two years ago by a 3-2 vote. He said that because of all this department has accomplished <br />in this short time, it has received the support of virtually everyone. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to an article about the economic value of open space <br />and suggested that the Department of Environment and Resource Conservation involve the Economic <br />Development Commission in its efforts. The presentation needs to include the positive economic <br />impact aspect so that the citizens have a broad prospective of what open space can offer. <br />2. LANDS LEGACY -DISCUSSION OF LONG-TERM PRIORITIES AND INTERFACE WITH <br />CAPITAL NEEDS TASK FORCE <br />David Stancil said that the Capital Needs Advisory Task Force may be considering the Parks <br />and Open Space components on April 25t". He wondered if there should be anything conveyed to the <br />task force regarding the Lands Legacy Program. He also mentioned that the Open Space Task Force <br />has completed their work and has prepared their plan. <br />Commissioner Gordan proposed setting aside 15 minutes on April 16t" to discuss what should <br />be sent to the Capital Needs Task Force. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to the long-term priorities and how each item is listed as <br />having a potential far grant funds. He suggested that the targeted grant funding sources be specified. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to 1 K on page 5 of Attachment 1, Little River Riparian <br />Corridor and said that there has been discussion about the entire piece of properly that was <br />considered for the C&D landfill. He questioned why we were not at least talking about the possibility <br />of acquiring more than 50 acres for this. <br />3. ADOPTION OF LANDS LEGACY ANNUAL ACTION PLAN FOR 2001-2002 <br />David Stancil made a presentation on the proposed action plan for 2001-2002. He said that <br />funding may not be there for a lot of the trust funds. He listed the priorities, as follows: Phase II of <br />Cedar Grove Park, Seven Mile Creek Preserve (total cost of up to $500,000), Orange Grove Park <br />{formally Bingham District Park), an additional farmland conservation easement, Southern Shagbark <br />Hickory Forest, and Pickard's Mountain Natural Area. These priorities are outlined on pages 6-7 of <br />Attachment 2. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about strategies and the lack therein. One strategy would be <br />meeting with a neighborhood group or a group of individuals to help establish conservation <br />easements. Another strategy would be to contact property owners who have prime forestlands or <br />who have identified significant natural and cultural sites on their property. He would like to see <br />strategies listed in the action plan. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to adopt the <br />Lands Legacy Program Annual Action Plan for 2001-2002, with the inclusion of strategies. VOTE: <br />UNANIMOUS <br />Commissioner Gordon asked if the County Commissioners would be willing to go on record as <br />supporting the contribution of the current allocation of $500,000 a year in the CIP so that there can be <br />along-term land acquisition program as well as an ability to respond to unforeseen opportunities. The <br />Commissioners agreed to support this allocation <br />John Link suggested that a fiscal strategy be developed far long-term priorities. <br />4. CLOSED SESSION <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to go into <br />closed session "To discuss the County's position and to instruct the County Manager and County <br />