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assure that subcontractors and applicants selected for employment are treated during employment <br />without regard to their race, color, handicap, religion, age, sex, or national origin. Such action shall <br />include, but not be limited to the following: employment, upgrading, demotions, or transfers; <br />recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoffs or terminations; rates of pay or other forms of <br />compensation; selection for training including apprenticeship; and participation in recreational and <br />educational activities. <br />The Agency certifies that it presently has in effect an affirmative action program. The Agency agrees to <br />post in a conspicuous place available to employees and applicants for employment, notices setting forth <br />the provisions of this non-discrimination clause. The Agency shall in all solicitations or advertisements <br />for subcontractors or employees placed by or on behalf of the Agency, state that the Agency is an "Equal <br />Opportunity Employer". <br />The Agency shall make no distinction because of race, color, handicap, religion, sex or national origin in <br />providing to eligible individuals any services or other benefits under projects financed in whole or in part <br />with funds provided under this contract. (This provision excludes age since these funds are allocated to <br />serve only older persons by design and by law.) The Agency shall comply, and assures compliance by <br />any contractor or subgrantee receiving funds through this Agreement, with the Americans With <br />Disabilities Act of 1990, and with requirements contained in applicable federal regulations, guidelines <br />and rules to ensure a policy of nondiscrimination for service recipients, employees and applicants for <br />employment. The Agency agrees to comply with such guidelines as the Area Agency or the North <br />Carolina Division of Aging may issue to implement the requirements of this paragraph. <br />23. Audit. If the Agency expends a total of $300,000 or more from all federal sources, as defined in OMB <br />Circular A-133 (effective July 1, 1996), the Agency agrees to have an annual independent audit which <br />meets the requirements of the Division of Aging Program Audit Guide for Aging Services, applicable <br />North Cazolina General Statutes and Local Government Commission requirements, and OMB Circular <br />A-133 and OMB Circular A-87 or A-122. The audit is to be completed within six (6) months of the <br />close of the Agency's fiscal year. Upon completion of the audit, the Agency shall deliver to the Area <br />Agency a copy of the audit and any opinion letter and management letter. If the Agency receives federal <br />funding in an amount less than the $300,000 threshold, the Agency may be subject to fiscal monitoring, <br />as deemed necessary by the Area Agency and the North Cazolina Department of Health and Human <br />Services. For providers expending less than $300,000 in state financial assistance awards as of July 1, <br />1997, audit and reporting provisions established by G.S. 143-6.1 and State Audit Advisory No. 2 <br />(revised October, 1997) shall apply. The Agency agrees to submit to any additional review and <br />document requests deemed necessary by the Area Agency, the State of North Carolina, or the Federal <br />Government in accordance with provisions of-the Single Audit Act. The Agency further agrees that all <br />pertinent financial records shall be made available for copying upon request by the State or Federal <br />Governments, or their agents. <br />24. Audit/Assessment Resolutions and Disallowed Costs. It is further understood that the Agency is <br />responsible to The Area Agency for clarifying any audit exceptions that may arise from any assessment, <br />Agency single or financial audit, or audits conducted by the State or Federal Governments. In the event <br />the Area Agency or the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services disallows any <br />expenditures of grant funds made by the Agency for any reason, the Agency shall promptly reimburse <br />such funds to the Area Agency. The Area Agency may also withhold future payments under this or any <br />other contract with the Agency until the audit exceptions are cleared. <br />25. Indemnity. The Agency agrees to indemnify and save .harmless the Area Agency, its agents and <br />employees from and against any and all loss, cost, damages, expense and liability caused by the failure <br />of the Agency to fully perform its obligation under this agreement and in accordance with its terms. <br />