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Commissioner Brawn that there is an African American that lives in Bingham Township that might be <br />interested in serving. He suggested waiting on this appointment until this application is received. <br />Discussion: Upcoming Board of Health Appointments -Number of Terms <br />Commissioner Carey said that he sent this memo to the Board after he received a request <br />last year from the Chairman of the Board of Health requesting that the Board consider allowing the terms <br />of two or three members of the Board of Health to be extended to three terms. The reason for this is that <br />there are a number of new members on the Board of Health. He thinks that it would be in the County's <br />best interest to extend these terms because of the complicated training. <br />Health Director Rosemary Summers spoke about how much time it took to get acclimated to <br />being on the Board of Health. The two board members that are particularly concerned about their terms <br />ending are Dr. Jonathan Klein, Chair and Janet Southerland, the dentist representative. <br />Commissioner Carey encouraged the Board to consider this request favorably and extend the <br />terms. <br />Chair Halkiotis suggested that the Board review the policies of all boards and commissions <br />related to the length of terms. <br />Commissioner Gordon stated that she would not like to change the length of the terms. <br />John Link said that this item could be further discussed at the meeting with the Board of <br />Health on April 16t" <br />Commissioner Jacobs pointed out that there has been some difficulty in recruiting for certain <br />positions on the Board of Health. <br />This issue will be discussed further an April 16t" <br />b. <br />The Board considered a planned development rezoning and a class A special use permit for <br />expansion of quarry operations and a reservoir. <br />Planning Director Craig Benedict summarized this item which was continued from the last <br />meeting. There was additional information provided by administration and by the general public. The <br />primary purpose of this item is to make a decision on the rezoning to Planned Development Industrial I <br />designation and a Special Use Permit class A. He said that the planned development designation limits <br />the industrial classification specifically for quarry operations, which is an improvement over a straight <br />conventional industrial designation. He summarized the three additional conditions that were <br />recommended by administration as follows: 1} a conservation easement that would cover the entire site <br />to ensure that the property would be converted to open space after the quarrying operation is complete <br />in 30 years; 2) trucks leaving the site will be covered in accordance with North Carolina statutes for the <br />covering of loads; and 3) provide for the transfer to the County General Fund of any unused portion of <br />the No Fault Well Repair Fund (NFWRF} at the termination of this fund. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Jacobs about the relocation of the road, Craig <br />Benedict said that the letter from DOT stated that the relocation of the road as submitted so far is a <br />reasonable location. When the final design plans come in, it will have to meet all DOT standards. He <br />said that there was a clear view up and down the hill to create the site visibility triangles that are of <br />primary safety concern. The relocation of the road will separate the traffic on Bethel Hickory Grove <br />Church Road from the quarry truck traffic. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to condition #2$ on page 7Q, and asked County <br />Attorney Geoffrey Gledhill if this was a direct quote from the general statute or if it was summarized. <br />Geoffrey Gledhill said that the bottom line an this is that this statute is deemed to be a strict liability <br />statute and if stuff falls off the truck, American Stone is in violation of the statute. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to condition #14 and questioned the clarity of the <br />wording of this condition. <br />Commissioner Gordan made reference to the correspondence starting on page 76 and the <br />following pages. She said that there seems to be some difference of opinion about the environmental <br />impact statement and whether it was adequate or not. She made reference to the memo from John <br />Sutherland, which pointed out some objections to the EIS. Craig Benedict said that at the time of the <br />