Orange County NC Website
This introduction to communication options will provide Board members with an opportunity to <br />provide guidance to staff. It will also allow Board members to identify benefits, concerns and <br />needs related to communications for the fire departments. <br />Potentia{ tools and methods for communications include: <br />• Add specific information to the current Emergency Services web page for all <br />emergency partners; <br />• Send alert messages using CodeRED®, (an emergency alerting system <br />currently used by Emergency Services to send emergency phone messages <br />based on geographic location); <br />• Provide media training for designated fire department members; <br />• Expand Orange County Geographic Information Systems (GIS) services to <br />include and display fire department Insurance Services Office (ISO) ratings <br />and fire district tax rate; <br />• Develop and implement a citizen's "self-serve" web-based feature providing <br />ISO and fire protection information; <br />• Fire department annual business meetings added to the Orange County <br />Boards and Commissions online public meeting calendar (based on fire <br />department information submissions); <br />• Provide fire department information through Emergency Services' social <br />media tools, Facebook and Twitter; and <br />• Provide fire department information on Orange County's Time Warner Cable <br />digital channel 180 <br />Staff seeks input from the Board related to which Orange County department will maintain fire <br />department content on the Orange County website. Staff recommends the project be a <br />combined effort between Orange County Emergency Services, the Clerk to the Board of County <br />Commissioners' Office .and Orange County Information Technologies. <br />Announcements could include: non-emergency alerts; public outreach messages such as <br />annual business meeting announcements; and public safety messages such as "replace <br />batteries in your smoke detector". <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Financial impact can be determined pending direction from the Board. <br />As the County moves forward with this effort, there may be costs related to software and <br />training personnel. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board receive this information <br />and consider further discussion at the work session on September 13, 2011 with the fire chiefs <br />and fire department board chairs. <br />