Orange County NC Website
8 <br />bikeways, rescue facilities, surface water drainage systems, water or sewer systems, and <br />fire stations. <br />(c} An ordinance adopted pursuant to authority contained in this act may <br />be made applicable to all development that occurs within the county. <br />Sec. 5. Amount of Fees. In establishing the amount of .any impact fee, the <br />county shall endeavor to-approach the objective of having every development contribute <br />to a capital improvements fund an amount o~ revenue that bears a- reasonable <br />relationship to that development's fair share of the costs of the capital improvements <br />that are needed in part because of that development. In fulfilling this objective, the <br />Board of Commissioners sha71, among other steps-and actions: <br />(l;) Estimate the total cost of improvements- by category (e.g~ schools-, <br />roads, public recreation facilities, -etc.) that will bE needed to provide in a reasonable <br />manner for the public health, safety_ and welfare of persons residing within the county <br />during a reasonable --planning period not to- -exceed 20 years.. The Board of <br />Commissioners may divide the-county into two or more districts and estimate the costs <br />of needed improvements within each- district. These estimates shall be periodically <br />reviewed and updated, and the planning period used may be changed from time to time. <br />(2) Establish a percentage- of the total. costs of each category of <br />improvement drat, in keeping with- the objective set forth above, should fairly be borne <br />by those paying the impact fee. <br />(3) Establish a formula that fairy- and objectively apportions the total <br />costs that- are to be- borne by those paying impact fees aYnong various types of <br />developments By way of illustration, but without limitation: <br />a. In the case of road improvements, the impact fee may be related to._the <br />number of trips per day -generated. by different types of-uses according <br />to recognized estimates <br />b. In the case of improvements to schools the impact fee may be related <br />to the size of the development, i.e., number of houses, and the <br />anticipated number of students expected from said development <br />according to recognized estimates, and the impact thereof on the need <br />for additional school facilities in-the county. <br />Sec. 6. Capital Improvements Reserve Funds; Expenditures. (a) Impact <br />fees received by the county shall be deposited in a Capital Improvements Reserve Fund. <br />Such funds may be expended only on the type of capital improvements for which such <br />impact fees were established, and then only in accordance with the provisions of <br />subsection (b) of this section. <br />(b) In order to ensure that impact fees paid by a particular development <br />are expended on capital improvements that benefit that development, the county may <br />establish f-or each category of capital improvement for which it collects an impact fee at <br />least two geographical districts or zones, and impact fees generated by developments <br />within those districts or zones must be spent on improvements that are located within or <br />that benefit property located within those districts or zones. <br />Sec. 7. Credits for Improvements. An ordinance adopted under this act <br />shall make provision for credits against required fees when a developer installs <br />House Bi11917 S.L. 1987-460 Page 3 <br />