Orange County NC Website
S.L. 1991-392 Page 2 of 3 <br />31 <br />(e} Use and 13-istribution of Tax Revenue. The Orange County Board of <br />Commissioners shall decide on the allocation of the revenges collected from this tax annually <br />during its budgeting process. At least ten percent (10%) of the annual-re-venues shall be used to <br />provide funding for visitor information services and-ty support cultural events. <br />The county -may contract with nonprofit organizations to undertake or carry out the <br />activities- an~i programs for which the revenue may be expended: All-contracts enteredmto with <br />nonprof t organizations shall require an annual financial audit of any funds expended and a <br />performance audit of contractual obligations. <br />(f) ~ Repeal. A tax levied under this section may be.repealed by resolution adopted <br />by-the Orange County Board of Commissioners. Repeal of a tax levied under this section shall <br />become effective on the first day of a month and may not become effective untilthe-end of-the <br />fiscal year in whickthe repeal resolution was adopted. Repeal of a taxlevied under this-section <br />does not. affect a liability for a tax that attached before ~c effective date of the repeal, nor does it <br />affect a right to a refund of a tax that accrued be~f-ore the effective date of the repeal: <br />Sec. 2. Chapel Hill Motor Vehicle Tax. (a) G S. 20-97(a) reads as rewritten: <br />"(a) All taxes levied- under the provisions of xhis Article are--intended as_compensatory <br />taxes for the use and privileges -of the public highways of this-State; and by-the - <br />Commissioner to the State Treasurer, to be credited by him to the State Highway Fund; and no <br />county or-municipality shall levy any license 'or privilege tax upon any motor vehicle licensed <br />by the State of North Carolina, except that cities -and towns other than the City of Durham may <br />levy not more than ~~~s-(~60-~~en dollars- ($10.00 per year upon any vehicle resident <br />therein, and except that the City of Durham may levy. not more than one dollar ($1.-00) per year <br />upon any vehicle resident therein. Provided, further, that cities and towns may levy, in addition <br />to the- amounts hereinabove provided for, a sum not to exceed fifteen dollars-($15.00) per- year <br />upon-each vehicle oper-ated in such city or town as a taxicab." <br />(b) -This section applies only to -the Town of Chapel Hill. <br />Sec. 3. Carrboro Motc~rVehicle Tax. (~) G.S. 20-97(a)xeads as rewritten: <br />"(a) All taxes levied under the provisions of tlris Article are intended as compensatory <br />taxes for the use and privileges of the public highwsays of this State, and shall be paid by the <br />Commissioner to the State Treasurer-, to be credited by him to the State Highway Fund; and no <br />county or municipality shall levy any license or privilege tax upon any motor vehicle licensed <br />by `she State of North Carolina, except that cities and towns other than the City of Durham may <br />levy not more than 9~ten dollars ($10.00) per year upon any vehicle resident <br />therein, and except that the City of Durham may levy not more than one dollar ($1.00) per year <br />upon any vehicle resident therein. Provided, further, that cities and towns may levy, in addition <br />to the amounts hereinabove provided for, a sum not to exceed fifteen dollars ($15.00) per year <br />upon each vehicle operated in such city or town as a taxicab." <br />(b) This section applies only to the Town- of Carrboro. <br />Sec. 4. This act is effective upon ratification. <br />In the General Assembly read three times and ratified this the 25th day of June, 1991. <br />James C. Gardner <br />President of the Senate <br />Daniel Blue, Jr. <br />file://C:\Documents and Settings\gwilder\Loca1 Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK18... 8/11/2011 <br />