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~b~~ <br />[otel/Motel Tax Funds- - Fceques-ts <br />Managex Taylor stated that the Chamber of Coaunerce hac3 =re-que-sted <br />$--15, 000 for support to the- t7mbria Jazz Festival ifr late July and <br />that the ~irts Center had requested $15,00-0 for their Teen <br />Program. He also said that at the- June 2~ meeting. the Olympic <br />Festival had requested a-w$iver of the $16,1A6 in fees for police <br />and transit services du-ring the_ Festival and that it had been <br />suggested that the occupany tax funds could be used for this <br />purpose. Mr. Taylor said that if the Courtci-1 funded these three- <br />-reguests it would virtual~y tgsE all the funds- allocated from the <br />occupancy tax for visitor information- and cultuzal Services for <br />this- budget year. He stated that two of the requests were for <br />funds txrat were needed. immediately and that treeded to be- <br />allocated before the events -occurred. Mr. Taylor said that the <br />staff proposed to develop a process for receiving requests for <br />proposals for the funds in-tie upcoming years but that he dict not <br />thiflls there was sufficient time in this budget year for that kind <br />of _process,_ Fie stated that what was budg-eted for these services <br />was--a tainimum-~f -IO$ of the revenue-s, but -which =would-not-_exceed_ <br />55-0, 0-00. 13e said 3ie ~cecommended resolution R-6 to -fund -the <br />Chamber of Comiaerce request. <br />~4~JNCIL MEi~+~ER SMITH MOVED, SEEONDED BY COIINCIL MEM$ER GODSCBAL-K <br />TO ADOPT RESOLDTION 87-6-22 h~ fi. <br />Council Member Werner said he felt it was incumbent upon th$ <br />Council to adverts-se for proposals for use of the-ta~ funds. He <br />-said he was concerned that the public might feel i-t -did trot have- <br />the oppor-tunny to apply for these funds. He said there needed <br />to be a formal process far applying for the funds. <br />Council Member Pasquini agr-eed with Yom. Werner and said that the <br />Council should not make the decision that evening but to allow <br />more time fer other, possibly more worthy grojects_, to request <br />funding. - <br />Council Member- Andresen asked if the Coun-cil's•meeting schedule <br />would provide for a process of reviewing other proposals- before <br />the deadline for the Chamber and Olympic Fesitival's requests. <br />Manager Taylor responded that there would be no problem with <br />delaying action on the funding requests until th-e July 6 agenda <br />but that he did not think there was enough time for the staff to <br />advertise and receive requests and review those requests before - - <br />the July 6 meeting. <br />Manager Taylor also stated that if the Council were to fund the <br />Olympic Festival's request for $16,100 for the police and transit <br />services, he would consider this funding to be considered Chapel <br />Hill's portion of the agreement regarding contingency funds for <br />the Festival ff it were to lose money, <br />26 <br />