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-3- <br />filing such return or for paying-such tax, then-e shall be an <br />additional tax, as a penalty, of five percent (St}- of -the <br />tax -due,. in addition to the penalty -prescribed in secti-on <br />19-3 hereof, with an additional tax of- five. percent -(5i~} for <br />each additional month or ~ractioa thereof until the tran- <br />sient occupzncy tax is pafd. <br />Sec. 29-5 Misdemeanor for willful Violation <br />Any person, firm, corporation, or association which-wil-lful- <br />1~ attempts in any manner to evade the -occupancy tax or tyre <br />requirement to make a return, and who willfully fails-to pay <br />such tax or make and file-such return, shall, in addition to <br />the-genalt;es prescribed in this ordinance, be guilty of a <br />3a3.sdemeanor,and shall- be punished by a fine not to txceed <br />one- thousand -dollars ($1, 000} or by imprisonment not to <br />.exceed six-months o= by=both- such fine-and..-i-~aprisoament. <br />Sec. 19-5 Use and Distribution of Tax Revenue <br />The Council -shall decide on the allocation of the revenues <br />collected frcxa this tax annually durin4 #ts budgetfnq <br />pr-oce-ss with particular cons-ide-ration given to providing <br />funding for visitor information services- and support for <br />cultural eventst-and-not less than ten percent (14#~-of the <br />annual revenues ~shali be used for those purposes. <br />Sec._ -19-7 Deductions and Re-funt~s~ <br />During any ~aonth following n=month in which a hotel, motel, <br />or inn has supplied a room to -the same- person for the 90th <br />consecutive day, the hotel, motel or inn may apply to the <br />Town Revenue Collector, on a form available from that office <br />foz that purpose, for a deduction from transient occupancy <br />taxes due that month in an amount equal to the tax previous- <br />ly paid on the receipts from the rental of the rooan supplied <br />for the peziod of 90 continuous-days or more if said rental <br />is exeaapt froaz the sales tax under GS 105-164.4 (3y . A <br />refund shall be issued by the Revenue Collector if no <br />transient occupancy taxes are then due from which a deduc- <br />tion could be taken.' <br />SECTION- II <br />All ordinances and clauses in conflict herewith are hereby <br />repealed to the extent of said conflict. <br />- SECTION III <br />This ordinance shall become effective on July 1, 1967 or upon the <br />effective date of the Act of the- North Carolina General Assembly <br />authorizing this room occupancy tax, whichever is later. <br />25- <br />This the 23rd dny of June, 198?. <br />