Minutes - 03-20-2001
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 03-20-2001
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8/14/2008 5:26:35 PM
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8/13/2008 1:52:43 PM
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Agenda - 03-20-2001-
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5. Courtesv Review Agreement <br />Craig Benedict said that one of the things that came out of the EDD work group was to put <br />forward a formal agreement. This Courtesy Review Agreement area is shown on a map, which has <br />the ETJ of Hillsborough and the 50-year growth area which is the same area as that shown on the <br />water and sewer boundary map. Any projects that come into this area, Orange County would be <br />sending the applicant to Hillsborough to see if it is feasible far the Town to provide water and sewer. <br />The Courtesy Review Agreement has been adopted by the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />and sets forth the timeframe for getting responses back. The agreement does not give joint <br />development approval authority, but is only a process for courtesy review. <br />Mayor Johnson asked about the stage of the courtesy review and Craig Benedict said that it <br />would come at the concept stage because a project should not proceed if the Town cannot provide <br />the public services. <br />Evelyn Lloyd asked if there would be a contract between the Town and the County regarding <br />whether the Town had the capacity for public services for a particular project. She said that there <br />should be a quarterly meeting to discuss the various projects. <br />Brian Lowen said that he has a concern with identifying the projects that would be subject to <br />this process. <br />Margaret Hauth said that the Town of Hillsborough did discuss this and they wanted to add <br />some other types of projects to the list. She listed five criteria for the projects that would be reviewed <br />jointly: 1) a 35-lot subdivision may not be something the Town is interested in reviewing. The <br />threshold may be 50 acres and that is up far discussion. 2} Small projects that are handled by the <br />Planning Board or Board of Adjustment would not be reviewed. Projects in the EDD would be <br />reviewed jointly. 3) There should be a standard quarterly meeting date reserved to talk about <br />projects. 4) Address water and sewer capacity in this agreement. 5) Ga ahead and specify the <br />number of plans needed for each entity. <br />Mark Sheridan said that raising the threshold has to do with the fact that Margaret Hauth has <br />no one to delegate to, so that anything that comes from the Hillsborough Planning Department needs <br />to be meaningful and valuable. <br />Cammissianer Gordan said that she was surprised that courtesy review would require joint <br />meetings. She thought it would be done entirely by sharing plans, in which case the size would not <br />matter. <br />Craig Benedict said that there are no formal meetings required. He said that, as it is written it <br />is just an exchange of plans, but at certain times it may be better to set up a meeting. <br />Cammissianer Jacobs asked Margaret Hauth about the new condominiums going in on <br />Orange Grove Road - 40 acres for 200 units. He is concerned that something that big will have a <br />major impact on that road. He reiterated that Hillsborough should not be asked to approve a contract <br />for water and sewer until it feels comfortable that it is given its courtesy review of the development <br />based on the development's standards, as opposed to at a very early stage. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Brown, Craig Benedict said that the review would <br />include such things as traffic impact, school impact, and environmental impacts. <br />Craig Benedict will work with Margaret Hauth on this agreement and bring it back to the Board <br />of County Commissioners for consideration of approval. <br />6. Joint Recreation Projects <br />Recreation and Parks Director Bob Jones distributed a handout. He showed an aerial <br />photograph of Fairview Park. He showed the location of the ball field. The area has been cleared of <br />growth and vegetation and is ready for new soil. Dirt is being moved from one area to the area where <br />the park is located. Contractors hopefully will have everything leveled and grass sown the second <br />week in April. Hopefully, the field will be ready for play the first week of June. <br />The second project is the area behind the Government Services Center. With reference to the <br />expansion of the justice facilities as well as the restoration of the creek, it has been determined that <br />the architects that will be selected far the justice facilities will include the design of the park site. He <br />showed the old original concept of the proposed park. <br />
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