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current quarry would have mare than enough water capacity without quarry expansion. He said that <br />the point was that OWASA has been misstating the facts for many years. <br />Commissioner Carey asked about the seven years for the crusher in the pit. <br />Paxton Badham spoke on behalf of American Stone Company. He pointed out the pit an a <br />map and said that the pit is 200 feet deep. He said that they could not operate a crusher in a 200-foot <br />deep pit. They plan to mine in another area for seven years and then put the crusher in that pit, which <br />will take approximately seven years and will alleviate some of the noise. <br />Commissioner Brown asked about the assertion that this SUP would allow American Stone <br />to go beyond the 30 years. Geoffrey Gledhill said that the conservation easement would add a layer <br />of protection to prohibit changing this agreement. Another level of protection would be partnering with <br />another agency for ownership of the conservation easement so that it could not be undone. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if there could be an association of the neighbors to be a party <br />to the conservation easement. He said that the County could help create an entity to represent the <br />community. Geoffrey Gledhill said that we could look into that. Abetter deal might be to get a <br />conservation group. He will explore options. The way it is written, there is an opportunity far the <br />County to explore options independent of the permit. <br />Chair Halkiotis asked about the issue of the 3000-foot limit. <br />Mr. Rooks, an attorney for American Stone, said that the 3000-foot figure came in the <br />course of discussions with Carrboro and that there was no scientific basis for it. He said that they <br />would oppose increasing the limit to 5000 feet. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he remembers the 3000 feet coming up long before it went <br />to Carrboro as part of the mediation several years ago. He said that it was a compromise in the <br />mediation discussions. He recalls that the boundary was defensible. <br />Erwin Danziger said that the 3,000 feet came in at the very last second and was one of the <br />two reasons that the neighbors did not sign off on the mediation agreement. <br />The Board decided to continue this item to the next meeting on April 3rd <br />Peter Kramer from OWASA asked that this issue be resolved. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the information from the staff about the allocation of <br />water. She would like this information as soon as possible. <br />f. Advertisement for Joint Planning Area Public Hearing April 11, 2001 <br />The Board considered authorizing a legal notice for items to be included at the scheduled <br />April 11, 2001 public hearing. <br />Planning Director Craig Benedict explained this item. In summary, this joint public hearing <br />will have four items: 1}the designation of the Greene Tract; 2} switching property from open space to <br />low-density residential; 3) switching property from mixed use and office to an open space designation; <br />and 4) switching property from mixed use to rural residential. These items will be explained with staff <br />memos from Chapel Hill and an analysis from Orange County staff and whatever comments Carrboro <br />may want to make. Another item deals with a request from a property owner and is different from the <br />previous four items. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />authorize the legal notice as presented for items to be included at the scheduled April 11, 2001 public <br />hearing. <br />g_ Use and Access Plan -McGowan Creek Preserve <br />The Board was to consider a use and access plan for McGowan Creek Preserve. <br />However, this item was delayed. <br />10. REPORTS <br />11. APPOINTMENTS <br />12. MINUTES <br />