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The Board considered an application far a planned development rezoning and Class A <br />Special Use Permit for expansion of quarry operations and a reservoir. <br />Chair Halkiotis painted out that the public hearing is over for this item, and he read the <br />same statement as was read at the beginning of the meeting. <br />Craig Benedict gave background information as included in the agenda abstract. The <br />recommendation of the Planning Board was to approve the rezoning with a 5-4 vote and the <br />recommendation of the Planning Board far the Special Use Permit was to deny with a 5-4 vote. The <br />recommendation of the administration is to approve the rezoning because it is consistent with the <br />implementation of the land use plan that has been adapted previously. Also, the administration <br />recommends that the Special Use Permit is acceptable, contrary to what the Planning Board said for <br />the finding regarding the value of properties in the neighborhood. The evidence provided in the public <br />hearing and any testimony afterwards showed that the maintenance of the property value was being <br />held and there was no evidence that the property would be devalued. There are 51 criteria that are <br />part of the conditions for operations of the special use permit. The administration made four changes <br />or suggestions in those conditions as indicated an page three of the agenda packet. This provides <br />another layer of assurance that if a future Board wants to reverse the rezoning, there would be a <br />conservation easement. The second change has to do with items 27 and 28 an page 70 of the <br />agenda abstract. He read items 27 and 28, which relate to covering of loads. The third change has <br />to do with language in the no fault well repair fund. The change was that there would be a transfer of <br />any unused portion of those monies into the County's general fund. The last change was to add a <br />condition regarding a relationship between the SUP and the present SUP that is in effect as to same <br />or all of the property. <br />Geoffrey Gledhill said that citizens could tabby the Board of County Commissioners to <br />approve or not to approve the project based on the evidence that is already in the record. <br />Citizen Comment <br />Erwin Danziger distributed some information. He made reference to page 58 in the <br />agenda abstract and asked that the 450 pounds per delay be changed to 325 pounds per delay. He <br />said that both Chapel Hill and Carrboro have suggested that the Board of County Commissioners <br />consider expanding the 3000-foot limit that is used throughout the document. He suggested that a <br />5000-foot limit be used wherever 3000 feet appears in the document. He would like for the County <br />Commissioners to look at the last point, which has to do with the comments made by Geoffrey Gledhill <br />regarding the protection of the property so that it cannot be changed in the future without going <br />through some additional steps. He said that this is an option and he would like to make that <br />mandatory. <br />Geoffrey Gledhill said that Mr. Danziger was referring to the option of the County to add an <br />additional grantee. He explained to Mr. Danziger that this was an option because he did not know if <br />the County could find another grantee that would be interested in accepting a conservation easement <br />for this project. <br />Julie Tucker, a resident who lives near the quarry, pointed out some of the specific <br />questions asked by the quarry neighbors that have not been answered. She made reference to the <br />memo that was submitted by her to the Board yesterday. Some of the issues include: 1) the 3000- <br />foot limit does not have any scientific basis; 2) the relocation of the primary rock crusher; and 3} <br />revision of the environmental impact statement to account for the toxins that were found at levels <br />exceeding the State's safety standards at the abandoned asphalt plant location, which is part of the <br />proposed area of expansion. She questioned that there would be no devaluation of properties. She <br />asked that the Board of County Commissioners not approve this Special Use Permit tonight but <br />thoroughly look at the conditions. She asked that the County Commissioners look out for the interests <br />of the citizens who will be bearing the burden for the rest of OWASA customers. <br />Elliott Cramer made reference to several pages in the agenda abstract and made <br />comments on the information, which indicated that a lot of the information is misstated by OWASA. <br />He made reference to page 100, and noted that the current quarry would have a capacity of three <br />billion gallons in about 15 years, equal to the capacity that OWASA has stated for the expanded <br />quarry. He spoke about his pictures starting an page 111. In summary, he pointed out how the <br />