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A motion was made by Commissioner Gordan, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br />reappoint Barry Katz and Runyon C. Woods for the term ending March 31, 2004; and to hold off on <br />the decision far the at-large position for 30 days and let Leo Allison serve until his successor is <br />appointed. <br />Commissioner Carey would like to see some more applicants, especially since Lea Allison <br />is the last African American an the Planning Board. <br />Commissioner Brown asked if the staff could inquire about the members that do not have a <br />high level of participation to see if they are truly interested in remaining on the Planning Board. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Sunrise Springs Preliminary Plan <br />The Board considered a preliminary plan for the proposed Sunrise Springs subdivision. <br />This item was considered by the County Commissioners at the March 6t" meeting. <br />Planning Director Craig Benedict spoke about the different issues brought up by staff at <br />the previous meeting. He explained the difference between public and private roads in regards to this <br />subdivision. He said that staff could not mandate a private road. He said that there was no difference <br />in the cut and fill requirements based on grade for a private versus a public road in this subdivision. <br />Another issue that was brought up at the last meeting was whether or not the subdivision met the <br />standards for a private road. At this time, the staff cannot address the justification for a private road in <br />this case, because it is not a request of the applicant. He said that the regulatory format does not <br />give the staff or the Commissioners the choice to mandate private roads. Administration is <br />recommending approval of this subdivision based on the criteria within the subdivision standards. <br />Commissioner Jacobs verified that the staff or the Commissioners could not mandate a <br />private road even if it was determined that a private road would have less deleterious effect. <br />Citizen Comment <br />Syd Alexander, attorney for the applicant, made reference to his letter of yesterday in <br />response to the issues raised by the Commissioners at the March 6t" meeting about the <br />developerlapplicant's position on a public versus a private road. <br />Betsy Kraus, a resident of Pine Tree Lane, asked Craig Benedict some questions. She <br />made reference to page 26 of the subdivision regulations, under Required Minimum Design <br />Standards, Section IV-B II-C, an drainage and stated it as follows: "Each lot shall contain a suitable <br />building area safe from inundation and erosion. Sanitary sewer systems, septic tank drain fields, <br />water systems, wells, and adjacent properties shall also be protected from inundation from surface <br />water. Roads, driveways, and utilities shall be protected from damage caused by improper storm <br />water management. Mechanical devices, drainage easements, natural buffers, large lots, andlor <br />other technical means may be used to achieve these objectives. Natural drainage ways are the <br />preferred means of storm water runoff removal. The characteristics, including capacity of natural <br />drainage ways shall be protected. Runoff levels from the 25-year storm after the site is developed <br />shall not be greater than the rate of runoff an the same site in its natural state." She asked what was <br />being done in the development to assure that these standards will be complied with. <br />Craig Benedict explained that the staff looks at the impervious area requirements when <br />they review subdivisions. Those standards have been set to provide a reasonable building level for all <br />properties within the County. The standard within the rural buffer has larger lot sizes. Impervious <br />ratios have been regulated so that there are limitations on the amount of ultimate runoff. Drainage <br />ways have been protected in this case as shown in the brown area on the map. There have also <br />been additional drainage devices added to this. Sedimentation traps will be used and level spreaders <br />that would decrease the off-site water flaw volume by creating mare impervious areas or more <br />recharge areas on-site and a lower rate of runoff off-site will be required. <br />Betsy Kraus said that Mr. Dodson told her that he was informed that there is no ordinance <br />protecting him from inundation from this development. She asked about the septic systems proposed <br />for the development. She said that she went to the Environmental Health Department on Thursday <br />and the plat they had was not current and did not show the redrawn lines for lots 7, 8, and 9. She <br />