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recognize Sunday, April 1, 2001 as the official day for the 1 fit" Annual CROP 1/IlALK and by <br />proclamation we agree to co-sponsor this event with the Inter-Faith Council for Social Service. <br />This, the 20" day of March 2001. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />6. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS <br />a. Long-term Use Plan for Court Facilities at Old Chapel Hill Post Office <br />The Board received a presentation from the Chapel Hill Town Council Committee on the <br />old past office. <br />Kevin Foy summarized the report that is in the agenda packet. The Town recognizes that <br />the building and the space that it occupies on Franklin Street are important public assets. The plaza <br />in front of the building is a gathering place where people have exercised their freedom of speech. He <br />distributed some pictures of the building. He spoke about the back of the building, which is an open <br />lot behind the post office that is at the corner of Rosemary and Henderson Streets. The Town of <br />Chapel Hill believes that it is in the public's best interest that the community continue to have this hub <br />of public activity, but there is a concern that this is underutilized space. He said that there were a lot <br />of vacant offices. The post office would like to stay in the building past the end of their lease in 2004. <br />The Town would like to put the building to better use. The Town would like to work with the Board of <br />County Commissioners and the courts to develop a long-term plan for the use of the Past Office. One <br />of the possibilities is that a building could be built on the lot at the rear of the building. He cited the <br />advantages of the County locating facilities in the center of town. The Town is asking that the County <br />collaborate with the Tawn to see if there is a potential civic use of this property to take advantage of <br />the location and its historic significance. <br />Commissioner Brown asked if there was a proposal for a work group. Kevin Foy said that <br />the Tawn Council had a committee meeting and they thought that they should include the County in <br />the process before a decision was made. The Town would like a sense from the County <br />Commissioners that they are willing to consider looking at this space. <br />The Board asked the County Manager to bring back a proposal on how the County can be <br />involved with this process. <br />John Link suggested that the County Commissioners wait until they hear the space study <br />report that will be coming forward within the next week. From that he will make a recommendation <br />from the Board's input no later than the first meeting in May. <br />?. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />a. Orange Caunty Housing Rehabilitation CDBG Program <br />The Board received public comments an the development of the fiscal year 2001 housing <br />rehabilitation program application and considered a resolution authorizing the submission of a formal <br />application. <br />Tara Fikes said that in the fall of last year, the Caunty received ward that it was a recipient <br />of $400,000 from the state CDBG program far a scattered site housing rehabilitation program. After <br />the public hearing, at which no comments were obtained, County officials discussed the program with <br />officials from the Town of Carrboro and the Town of Hillsborough, who are also members of the <br />Orange County HOME Review Program Committee. The committee agreed that it would be in our <br />best interest to operate this new program in the same manner that we operate our existing HOME <br />Housing Rehabilitation Program. The same waiting list will be used and the same program eligibility <br />requirements will also be used. Ten percent of this $400,000 may be used for administration. It is <br />estimated that 14 substandard dwellings can be repaired in the Town of Carrboro, the Town of <br />Hillsborough, or unincorporated areas of Orange County. <br />There were no public comments. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Carey to close <br />the public hearing. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />