Agenda - 08-23-2011 - 7a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 08-23-2011
Agenda - 08-23-2011 - 7a
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Last modified
8/19/2011 1:46:06 PM
Creation date
8/19/2011 1:46:01 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 08-23-2011
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DRAFT <br />1 I believ~that_we have provided the basic answers within the abstract on the pages that I've sited that <br />2 all of the specific standards be included. Within your packet are correspondence from the various <br />3 County staff people, specifc311y the Fire Marshall, the 5herifPs Office, Rich Shaw with DE~4PR with <br />4 respect to review of this application. We are confident as we continue to- move forward we can <br />5 address the majority of these questions and concerns with the applicant's assistance. <br />6 Regarding the septic issue, in consultation with Mr. Neal, the-church and~he applicant have been <br />7 working with Environmental- Health and they are continuing to have meetings _and dialogue as <br />8 necessary. It is my understanding that one- of the recommendations of the Health Department is <br />9 going-to be that the existing system is going to have to be expanded in orderto accommodate these <br />10 12 students. As we typically do, staff will be recommending formal conditions at the- Planning Board <br />11 level, which-will then be reviewed by the County Commissioners. Those conditions historically and <br />12 typically "have _always been that all appropriate permits are obtained by the applicant before an <br />13 occupancy. The answer to the -question of what happens if they -cannot secure those permits is that <br />14 they don't open. That's just a simple answer to that question. We will continue to work with the <br />15 applicant to supply the necessary information to address the questions posed here this evening and if <br />16 you have any additional questions, I'll answer them. <br />17 Commissioner Jacobs: Page 232 talks about screening.- It-says--that; "landscaping-and-buffering <br />18 plan appears to be consistent with the requirements of the ordinance." So, does that mean tha# <br />19 additional screening is required or the screening that's- there, especially in the parking area is <br />20 sufficien#? <br />21 Michael Harvey: No sir, we determined existing screening is sufficient to comply with the <br />22 requirement of the code. <br />23 Commissioner Jacobs: Is there any kind of requirement for a fenced area for a school? <br />24 Michael Harvey: No, -sir. <br />25 Commissioner Jacobs: So, presumably, there were some safety concerns -expressed by <br />26 neighbors. That would solely fall under the- purview of the teachers- and the staff of the facility to <br />27 make sure that the students were supervised and did not venture off the site. <br />28 Michael Harvey: Correct, sir. I -will, however, point out the existing recreation at the existing <br />29 playground does have_a fence around it to separate it from the church facility. <br />30 Commissioner Jacobs: I just had a question for our Attorney. Is it germane, in- a special use <br />31 permit, to be asking why a facility is moving from one place to another'? <br />32 John Roberts: If the Board of County Commissioners determines it's germane, then yes it is. You <br />33 are directed, commended by your ordinance to ask questions to determine the competent material <br />34 and substantial evidence that support the project's compliance with various regulations. Whether the <br />35 applicant has met the burden of proof, you have to make that determination. You determine what the <br />36 relevant questions are. If someone presents testimony that may not be relevant, I may advise you <br />37 that it's not relevant, but you still make the determination. <br />38 Chair Pelissier: I'll now need a motion related to the Planning Director's recommendations to <br />39 receive the application, 1-5, listed on page 255 and adjoum the public hearing to August 23`x. <br />40 A motion was made by Commissioner Yuhasz, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to receive the <br />41 application, refer the .amendment package to the Planning Board for its recommendation with a <br />42 request that a recommendation be returned in time for the August 23, 2011 regular BOCC meeting, <br />43 and adjoum the public hearing to August 23, 2011 in order to receive the Planning Board <br />44 recommendation. <br />45 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />35 <br />
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