Agenda - 08-23-2011 - 7a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 08-23-2011
Agenda - 08-23-2011 - 7a
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Last modified
8/19/2011 1:46:06 PM
Creation date
8/19/2011 1:46:01 PM
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Minutes 08-23-2011
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DRAFT <br />1 5. Adjourn the public hearing to August 23, 2011 in order to receive the Planning Board- <br />2 recommendation. <br />3 <br />4 I will be more than happy to answer any questions-you have and the applicant is here this evening <br />5 and will be addressing the Berard as well. <br />6 Larry Wright: The-Chair would like to ask anybody That is sworn in to come up and speak from the <br />7 public. <br />8 Michael Neal: Good evening, I'm Michael Neal, and I hrave been-sworn. f represent the applicant <br />9 and I think Mr-Harvey did a thorough job of presenting the project, so i-won't belabor it anymore. I'm <br />10 here to answer any questions that you may have. Wth that, I'll set aside. <br />11 Jack Niklas: I've been sworn in. We live at 2215 Running Pine, which is right in the backyard of the <br />12 church, presently. I speak to some concerns that wa have with the addition of the school. <br />13 Concern #1 is that -the school is required to relocate and he is corrcemed why was this school <br />14 required to relocate. -Were there concerns in the neighborhood that we should be addressing _at this <br />15 hearing? <br />16 I'm concerned about the septic. It is a residential area and a house built in a residential <br />1 T neighborhood and it falls under different guidelines. That kind of information would be <br />18 environmen#ally useful being in an adjacent property._ <br />19 W~h the daytime school running five days a week, the church _aiready has increased their activities <br />20 throughout the week from just having Sunday service to having Saturday events; weekday events, <br />21 and this naw will push their activities over-and creates aseven-day busy activity schedule for folks at <br />22 the church and the school. As we have a view of the parking lot, they've had to modify the parking lot <br />23 to adjust to the traffic increase and they are packed. Those ar-e concerns of ours. <br />24 Because the school does not have a kitchen, they are going to have lunches provided by the <br />25 -students. That is fine: There will be additional and unusual trash storage and I'm concerned about <br />26 what provisions will be made for the storage and also the pickup. <br />27 It was mentioned about recess-and outdoor activitiesfor the school and that they do have afenced-in <br />28 playground. I'm concerned about the definition of a recess and outdoor activities, specifically outdoor <br />29 activities. Does that mean when it's a nice day that the kids will be outdoors aii-day? Those are my <br />30 concerns at this time. <br />31 Lori Evarts: Hi, my name is Lori Evarts and I've been sworn. I live at 2215 Wyngate Drive. We own <br />32 the two properties that are adjacent to the school. I have similar questions as Mr. Niklas, we didn't <br />33 talk before the meeting. <br />34 I am also concerned why it is relocating. That is a point that needs to be addressed, as well as the <br />35 leach field for the sewer. They are on septic and that needs to be addressed. <br />36 I also brought up the issue with regard to trash requirements and whether or not there- will be a <br />37 dumpster or something of that nature. <br />38 The parking lot has been upgraded. <br />39 The church members are very respectful and do a great job of keeping up the landscaping, however, <br />40 there are numerous occasions where individuals will have cookouts or other kinds of things where I <br />41 don't believe there's adequate water supply to the site where they are located. <br />42 There are a couple of things in the application that I'm concerned about. On page 254, item 5, it <br />43 refers to the inclusion of a park and ride facility for public transportation. I really want to know what <br />44 this allows for. <br />33 <br />
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