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DRAFT <br />1 All children, according to the Harr-ative as well as the site plan, are to be dropped off by their <br />2 parents or guardians and there will be no bum service or bus- traffic at the property associated <br />3 with the school operation. For the Board members, you do have the PowerPoint presentation. in <br />4 front of you to follow along. <br />5 <br />6 You will note from the abstract as well as the narrative, this project does not involve any new <br />7 construction and will make use existing building and parking facilities. As also noted on the site <br />8 plan, -there are no outdoor sports fields or other recreational facilities proposed: The school <br />9 actually plans to make use_of the existing playgrs~und facility on the property. The entrance to <br />10- the site wall be off of Old MC 10 as denoted on -the site plan. We've already talked about the <br />11 applicant providing. pictures of the various elevations of the building <br />12- <br />13 As this Board is already aware, a Class A Special Use Permit is processed through aquasi- <br />14 judicial review process. The County Commissioners and the Planning Board-will hear factual <br />15 evidence and sworn testimony concerning the project's compliance with the various provisions <br />16 of~the ordinance and your_ decision on this application will be based on evidence presented at <br />17 these hearings- and testimony offered= by the-applicant anal all of those -that have been sworn_in <br />18 to speak. <br />19 <br />20 With respect to providing our assessment of this application, you will note beginning on page <br />21 250 of your abstract, we have provided the various requirements contained within the ordinance <br />22 with respect to the development of a school within Orange County. <br />23- <br />24 It is our contention that the proposal is generally cs~nsistent with the components of the Unified- <br />2~ Development Ordinance, the Comprehensive Plan, the Land Use Element Map, and that the <br />26 application does contain all required elements in order for the formal review to commence. It is <br />27 our opinion that the applicant has demonstra#ed compliance with.. various development <br />28 standards contained within the ordinance. As the project is limitea to 12 students, we do not <br />27 foresee any negative impacts on adjacent properties resulting from- the approval of this <br />30 -application. <br />31 <br />32 With respect to conditions, staff will be suggesting conditions as we move through this process <br />33 and will address _those at the July Planning Board meeting_ when this- is due to be taken up - <br />34 specifically dealing with the occupancy of the structure, access management issues, the <br />35 cadence of permit review/approval, specifically securing the necessary Building and Health <br />36 Department permits, as well as the necessary inspections from the Orange County Fire <br />37 Marshall regarding occupancy. <br />38 <br />39 We also are going to be requesting notification from the State concerning the accreditation of <br />40 the program for being compliant with State guidelines. The applicant will be responding to these <br />41 recommended conditions at an appropriate time at a future meeting. <br />42 <br />43 For this evening, what you are being asked to do, as noted in our Recommendations section, is: <br />44 1. Receive the application, <br />45 2. Conduct the Public Hearing, <br />46 3. Receive any and all comments on the proposal <br />47 4. Refer the amendment package to the Planning Board for its recommendation with a <br />48 request that a recommendation be returned in time for the August 23, 2011 regular <br />49 BOCC meeting, and <br />32 <br />