Orange County NC Website
30 <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />The Planning Board has not received any information that would establish grounds -for making a negative finding <br />on the general standards and no additio^al testimony was-offered, either verbally or in writing, that would justify <br />the denial of the application- While adjoining property owners expressed concern at the May-23, 2011 Quarterly <br />Public Hearing, there is insufficient evidence within the record leading the Board to conclude that the .project does <br />not comply with the UDO. <br />The Planning Board has reviewed the- application, the site plan, all supporting documentation, and -the minutes <br />-from the May 23, 2011 Quarterly Public Hearing and has-found that the applicant complies with the specific and <br />general-standards and required regulations as outlined within the UDO <br />In the a-vent that the Board of County Commissioners makes the determination that the permit-can be issued, the <br />Planning Board recommends the attachment of-the #ollowing conditions to the-Special Use Permit: <br />1. That the school be limited to serving twelve (12) students as proposed by the applicant. <br />2. That classes only occur from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday as testified. to by the <br />-applicant unless- there is inclement weathery in which case--.the school shall--abide by the- Orange- <br />County Schools Inclement Weather- policy- in terms of hour-s of-operation. These hours shall not limit <br />the- ability of the applicant to hold parent/teacher con#erences, open houses, or other similar events <br />associated with the normal operational characteristics, of a school outside of the aforementioned <br />operating hours. <br />3. That existing vegetation around the perimeter of the property shall -be preserved- and remain in an <br />undisturbed- state as denoted on the site plan. <br />4. That the Fire Marshal and representatives of the Eno Volunteer Fire Department shall review and <br />approve the revised site ptan ~s well. as the floor plan of the building pr-ior to the issuance of any <br />Building and/or Zoning Compliance Permit(s) approving the use of the site as a school- and verifying <br />that the existing structures and site comply with all applicable NC Fire P-rotection Code standards. <br />5. That the applicant shall install any required septic system- improvements necessary to allow for the <br />operation of the school from the property prior to the commencement of activities. <br />6. That the applicant shall apply for a Building and Zoning Compliance Permit within one hundred eighty <br />(180) days from- the approval of this application and that such permits shall be issued prior to any <br />occupancy of the building by the proposed school. <br />7. That the applicant secure any necessary Soil Erosion and Grading, Stormwater, or other similar <br />permit(s) from the Orange County Erosion Control Division within (180) days from the approval of this <br />application and that such permits shall be issued prior to any land disturbing activity or occupancy of <br />the building by the -proposed -school. <br />8. That the applicant, as part of their- building permit application submission, include documentation from <br />the State of North Carolina indicating that the school has received any necessary certifications allowing <br />them to operate as a private school and that their curriculum has been certified as meeting any and all <br />local, State, and Federal requirements, and <br />9. That the applicant adhere to any conditions that may be imposed by NCDOT in accordance with <br />their driveway permit for this project as part of the permit review for this project. <br />10. That a revised site plan denoting all site improvements or modifications necessary to address any of <br />these conditions be completed and submitted for final approval by staff prior to the commencement <br />of school operations. <br />