Orange County NC Website
~. <br />NORTH CAROLINA <br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />DRAFT <br />INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ADDENDUM "A" <br />THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ADDENDUM "A," made and entered <br />into this day of 2003 and effective as of the <br />day of 2003, by and between the CHAPEL HILL- <br />CARRBORO CITY BOARD OF EDUCATION, a body politic of the State of <br />North Carolina, hereinafter called the "BOARD OF EDUCATION," and <br />ORANGE COUNTY, a body politic and corporate of the State of <br />North Carolina, hereinafter called the "BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS," <br />to clarify the scope of and define terms in the INTERLOCAL <br />AGREEMENT between the parties regarding approval by the BOARD OF <br />COMMISSIONERS of the amount to be spent by the BOARD OF <br />EDUCATION for the site of the third high school in the Chapel <br />Hill-Carrboro City School District, hereinafter called CHCCS <br />high school #3, and regarding amounts to be appropriated by the <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS to the capital outlay fund of the BOARD <br />OF EDUCATION for CHCCS high school #3. <br />NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to North Carolina General Statute <br />§§ 160A-461 and 115C-431, the BOARD OF EDUCATION and the BOARD <br />OF COMMISSIONERS further agree as follows: <br />1. Except as provided in this Addendum, the INTERLOCAL <br />AGREEMENT pertains only to the initial phase of CHCCS high <br />13 <br />1 <br />