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17 <br />1.14 Owner Assurance to the PHA. <br />A. Disclosure of Other Government Assistance. The Owner shall disclose to the PHA in <br />accordance with HUD requirements information regarding any related assistance from <br />the Federal Government, a State, or a unit of general local government, or any agency or <br />instrumentality thereof, that is made available or is expected to be made available with <br />respect to the Contract Units. Such related assistance shall include, but not be limited to, <br />any loan, grant, guarantee, insurance, payment, rebate, subsidy, credit, tax benefit, or any <br />other form of direct or indirect assistance. Housing assistance payments under the <br />Contract shall not be more than is necessary , as determined by the PHA in accordance <br />with HUD requirements, to provide affordable housing after taking account of such <br />related assistance. The PHA shall adjust in accordance with HUD requirements the <br />amount of the housing assistance payments to the Owner to compensate in whole or in <br />part for such related assistance. <br />B. Rehabilitation or Construction Financine. The Owner agrees not to rehabilitate or <br />construct the units with assistance under the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 (e.g., public <br />housing, the rental rehabilitation program, housing ,development grants, Section 11(b) <br />tax exempt bonds, or other Section 8 programs) or the flexible subsidy program. The <br />Owner warrants that the units were not rehabilitated or constructed with assistance under <br />the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 in the five years before execution of this Agreement. HUD <br />may approve attachment of assistance to a unit that was rehabilitated with public housing <br />modernization funds before conveyance to a resident management corporation where <br />attachment of project -based assistance would further the purposes of the sale of the <br />public housing project to the corporation. <br />C. Ownership. The Owner warrants that the property to be rehabilitated or constructed <br />under this Agreement is not owned by the PHA, or an entity controlled by the PHA. <br />1.15 Other Federal Requirements. <br />The Owner shall comply with and shall be subject to the requirements of the following, where <br />applicable: <br />A. Executive Orders 12432, Minority Business Enterprise Development, and 12138, Creat- <br />ing a National Women's Business Enterprise Policy. <br />Page 13 of 15 form HUD - 52531 -A (4/90) <br />ref. Handbook 7420.8 <br />