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I$ <br />of the Owner state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for <br />employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, sex, handicap or <br />national origin. The Owner will incorporate the foregoing requirements of this <br />paragraph B in all of its contracts for Project work, except contracts for standard <br />commercial supplies or raw materials, and will require all of its contractors for <br />such work to incorporate such requirements in all subcontracts for project work <br />1.9 PHA and Owner Relations to Third Parties. <br />A. Selection and Performance of Contractor. <br />The PHA has not assumed any responsibility or liability to the Owner or any <br />other party for the performance of any contractor, subcontractor or supplier, <br />whether or not listed by the PHA as qualified contractor or supplier under the <br />Program. The selection of a contractor, subcontractor or supplier for perfor- <br />mance of the work is the sole responsibility of the Owner, and the PHA has no <br />involvement in any relationship between the Owner and any contractor, subcon- <br />tractor or supplier. <br />The Owner must select a competent contractor to undertake the rehabilitation or <br />construction. The Owner agrees to require from each prospective contractor a <br />certification that neither the contractor nor its principals is presently debarred, <br />suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded <br />from participation in contracts by the Comptroller General or any Federal <br />department or agency. The Owner agrees not to award contracts to, otherwise <br />engage the services of, or fund any contractor that does not provide this certifica- <br />tion. <br />B. Injury Resulting from Work under the Agreement. The PHA has not assumed any responsibility <br />for or liability to any person, including a worker or a resident of the unit undergoing work <br />pursuant to this Agreement, injured as a result of the work or as a result of any other action or <br />failure to act by the Owner, or any contractor, subcontractor or supplier. <br />C. Legal Relationship. The Owner is not the agent of the PHA, and this Agreement does not create <br />or affect any relationship between the PHA and any lender to the Owner or any suppliers, em- <br />ployees, contractors or subcontractors used by the Owner in the implementation of the Agree- <br />ment. <br />Page 10 of 15 form HUD - 52531 -A (4/90) <br />ref. Handbook 7420.8 <br />