Orange County NC Website
Orange County -Living Machine P~opwai <br />Task 1.6 Cost EsBmats <br />Based upon the recommended strategy, we will refine our cx>st estimate. <br />Task 1.7 Presentation of Recommended Strategy <br />Once we complete the work listed above, we will make a presentation to the county on the results of this Task 1 <br />work. <br />Task 2: Construction Documents <br />Assuming acceptance of Task 1 results and your desire to continue, we will complete the design the system. This <br />work wiN be completed in two stages and prosented to you for your review at each stage of design. The brat wiN <br />be at preliminary design and the second will be at+oonstn~tion documerrts. <br />Task 2.1 Proliminary Desfpn (E4uhnllent oT Dsslign Dwsbpmsnt) <br />Once the major components of the system aro identified and specificaly bested on the alts and the major <br />ramMir~tions addressed (issues in Taak 1.1 through 1.4), we wiN submit Design Oevebpment Plans on: <br />- Main Tidal. Vertical Fbw system (design and spedficationa by Living Machine engineers) <br />-Plumbing and Electrical modifications and incorporation of TVF plans into over engineering documerrts <br />(design end spedficatioris by Padia Consulting) <br />-Architectural, egress, educational, and safety design issues (design and specifications by innovative Design) <br />- Subsurface design (design and spedficationa by Living Machine engineers, Landis) <br />Task 2.2 Rwiwv Masfing with County <br />This meeting would take place to review progross and roceive input from the county. The meeting would take <br />place after the pn~lirrdnary design plans are roviewed by the county. g the scope has changed, we will also <br />provide a new anticipated budget <br />Task 2.3 Construction Documsnb <br />Once review comments aro taken into account, the Construction Documents will be completed in preparation for <br />bidding. <br />-Main Tidal, Vertical Fbw system, including all connections bade into buildh-g and subsurface design (design <br />and spedficatiorrs by Pad'ra with review try Cluing Machine engineers and Landis) <br />- Plumbing and Electrical modilicatbns (design and specifications by Padfa Consulting) <br />- Architectural, egress, educational, and safety design issues (design and specifications by Innovative Design) <br />Ow~p~CounlysuvinpfyMd+ina wwr.~~w~~adro~•r <br />t 'd 89Eti'oN N9IS3~ 3A11d110NN1 WdlS~l EOOl '9 '^~N <br />