2003 NS Purchasing - Innovative Design for Wastewater Treatment Design Services at NHSC and Feasibility Analysis of Sustainable Design Elements
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2003 NS Purchasing - Innovative Design for Wastewater Treatment Design Services at NHSC and Feasibility Analysis of Sustainable Design Elements
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Last modified
8/17/2011 2:00:16 PM
Creation date
8/17/2011 2:00:13 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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~~~ <br />Tssk 2r4 Review Meeting with County <br />This meeting would take place to review progress and receive input from the County. The meeting would take <br />place after the construction documents plans are reviewed by the county. if the scope has changed, we will also <br />provide a new anticipated budgets <br />Task 2.3 Coordinatbn with Review Agencies <br />This work would include up fA 12 meetings total with the folbwing approving agencies: <br />- Concept with Orange County Health Department <br />-Concept with DENR Regional Sofl Specialist <br />- Concept with DENR On-Site Wastewater Program <br />-Site approval wilt Orange County Health Department <br />-Site approval with DENR Regional Shc Specialist <br />- S'de hydraulic approval with DENR On-Site Wastewater Program Engineer <br />-Engineering design approval with DENR OnSite Wastewater Program Engineer <br />- Preliminary Ad~E review with County <br />-Final AbE review with County <br />Any meetings required, beyond 12 would be considered additional services. <br />Task 3: Bidding <br />The task wig involve assisting the county in conducting normal Bidding the project <br />Task 4: Construction Administration <br />This task will invohre tasks normally involved in Construction Administratbn, includMg the review of shop <br />drawings, processing payment n3quests and change orders, grid conducting site visits. <br />Task 5: Commissioning <br />Once the project has been completed the engineers from the t.iving Machine will make a speaflc commissioning <br />trip that will include an operational instruction session. The Living Machine engineers will also assist the county in <br />locating optional maintenance personnel, help the county to evaluate their suitability, and assist the county in <br />creating a fair makrtenar>ce contract with the profemed maintenance provider. <br />Optional Eco-Educational Task <br />This system wiN serve as en innovative environmental waste water treatment strategy, can function as a unique <br />educational tool for ec~-education. As a optbn to our basic servkies, we win provide educational signage and a <br />display that e~lains the system's operation. <br />5 'd 89E~'oN N91S30 3A11'dAONNI WdZS~I EOOl '9 '^~N <br />
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