Orange County NC Website
WHEREAS, Tornadoes occur in North Carolina each year, and <br />WHEREAS, The need for citizens to learn more about tornadoes and how to protect themselves <br />should be emphasized, <br />NOW THEREFORE, the Board of County Commissioners hereby proclaim the week of February 18 <br />through 24, 2001, as "Be Safe at School, at Work and at Home" Severe Weather <br />Awareness Week, and encourage all citizens to learn more about tornadoes and be <br />aware of the dangers of severe weather, especially during the spring season. <br />Adopted this 20t" day of February 2001. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />c. Cable TV Rate Adjustment-Time Warner <br />The Board considered a resolutiontorder setting maximum permitted rates for basic cable TV <br />service and the capital investment recapture "add-on"charge for Orange County residents served by <br />Time Warner Cable. <br />Michael Patrick, Chair of the County's Cable TV Advisory Committee, summarized the <br />information in the agenda. He said that under the Federal Communications Act, the County has <br />authority to regulate, to a small degree, the basic cable rates. He said that Triangle J Council of <br />Governments Cable TV Consultant Bob Sepe has done an analysis to evaluate whether the rate <br />increase proposed by Time Warner this year was arrived at accurately. This resolution would <br />determine that the basic rates as calculated by Time Warner are correct and would also request that <br />Time Warner take into consideration the inflation rate, which was subsequently determined to be <br />lower than that used in the calculations. Time Warner would not be legally required to use the <br />subsequent inflation rate. <br />Chair Halkiotis said that he has been in contact with a citizen in the northern end of the <br />County who has had an ongoing battle with Time Warner in trying to get service. He said that Time <br />Warner told the citizen that they would provide so many feet of cable to his house and then he would <br />have to pay for any additional cable. The citizen called Senator Helms' office, and the Senator <br />referred him back to the Orange County Commissioners. He said that the Commissioners have no <br />authority with Time Warner, since the agreement has not been finalized. Michael Patrick said that <br />one of the upcoming matters is re-franchising, which has same language that would speak to the <br />issue of extension. <br />Geoffrey Gledhill said that extension policies, including cost sharing, are not part of the rate <br />work before the County Commissioners tonight. The committee has been working extremely hard <br />with Time Warner on the extension policies and the cost sharing issue. <br />Chair Halkiotis expressed frustration because regardless of what the County Commissioners <br />do, this adjustment is going through anyway. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to page 8 under Franchise Related Costs: Public <br />Access Television, and he read item 'a'. He said that the Manager faxed a draft letter to the County <br />Commissioners regarding this very issue and that under the ordinance granting a franchise to Alert <br />Cable of North Carolina and haw, in fact, once Time Warner took over the franchise they never met <br />the obligation that had been stipulated under the terms of the previous agreement. He asked why he <br />would agree to pass on the rate increase that they request since Time Warner is not agreeing to fulfill <br />their obligation. Michael Patrick said that these were separate issues and that the Board had to act <br />on the matter that was in front of them tonight. <br />Commissioner Carey said that he has also spoken with the citizen that Chair Halkiotis made <br />reference to, and he understands the frustrations. He said that by approving this agreement, it would <br />be a step closer to providing information to the public about the rules. Michael Patrick said that the <br />