Minutes - 02-20-2001
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 02-20-2001
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8/14/2008 5:29:15 PM
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8/13/2008 1:52:03 PM
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Agenda - 02-20-2001-10a
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a. Matters not on the Printed Agenda -NONE <br />b. Matters on the Printed Agenda {These matters were considered as the Board addressed <br />the items on the agenda below.} <br />3. BOARD COMMENTS <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he attended the Buy Recycled work session yesterday at the <br />Friday Center, for which the County received a State grant. There were approximately 50 people in <br />attendance, including a staff person from the Purchasing Department. He said that no one from either <br />school system attended the work session. <br />Commissioner Jacobs reminded the Board about the Triangle J Legislative Breakfast to talk <br />about a regional legislative agenda on Monday, February 26t" at 10:30 a.m. at the Sheraton Imperial <br />near RDU airport. <br />Commissioner Jacobs reported that the Pauli Murray awards would be this Sunday, February <br />25t" at 1:00 p.m. at A.L. Stanback Middle School on NC86 South. Also, the Orange County Youth <br />Summit will be held this Saturday, February 24t" at the Sheraton. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she noticed that the Arts Commission has asked for a new <br />location ar expansion and asked John Link to comment on this. John Link said that this could either <br />be addressed through the budget process or as the Board of Commissioners addresses the space <br />study. <br />Commissioner Brown expressed a concern about the Arts Commission relocating out of <br />Hillsborough to Chapel Hill or Carrboro. John Link will report back an this issue. <br />Commissioner Brown made reference to the agreement with the University regarding the sewer <br />service availability fees. She asked if it was agreeable to the Board to write a letter to the President of <br />the University thanking them for negotiating with OWASA on this matter. <br />Commissioner Brown asked that the County Commissioners, when they meet with the local <br />legislative delegation on March 12`" {she will be unable to attend}, to inquire about UNC's master plan <br />for the Horace Williams' tract and express her feeling that the plan should be integrated with the <br />County. She said that the plan should be sustainable, especially in regards to traffic. <br />4. COUNTY MANAGER'S REPORT -NONE <br />5. RESOLUTIONSIPROCLAMATIONS <br />a. Durham/Chapel HilllOranae County Work Group Resolution of Cooperation <br />The Board considered a resolution of cooperation outlining the role, purpose, and function <br />of the Durham/Chapel Hill-Orange County Work Group, and establishing the Orange County <br />membership in the group. <br />Planning Director Craig Benedict summarized the role and purpose of the Durham/Chapel <br />Hill-Orange County Work Group. He said that this group has been ongoing for several years. This <br />resolution will make Orange County a member of this group. The resolution identifies a few different <br />areas of cooperation -land use plans, courtesy review of development, green ways, open space, <br />water resource issues, and annexation. In the past, the focus of the group has been transportation, <br />but it is now being broadened to address water resource concerns and regional efforts. Each <br />jurisdiction will have an opportunity to host the meetings. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she served on this group before Commissioner Jacobs, <br />who is now serving on the group. She suggested several editorial changes to the resolution, which <br />were noted by Planning Director Craig Benedict. These changes will be made in the final document. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he presently serves on this group. He said that Orange <br />County had participated in the past but were not treated as an equal as was Chapel Hill and Durham <br />County. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br />approve and authorize the Chair to sign the resolution as stated below, with the proposed changes: <br />RESOLUTION OF COOPERATION <br />
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