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Commissioners' concern that a large and potentially unnecessary expenditure might be required if this <br />agreement is not acted upon in an expeditious manner. <br />Steve Scroggs said that the 10,000 square feet would be handled by a separate <br />agreement. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />approve and authorize the Chair to sign the agreement in substantially the form as included in the <br />agenda, subject to final review by staff and the County Attorney, and to send a letter requesting <br />expedited consideration. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />c. Orange CountylHillsborough Courtesy Review Agreement <br />The Board considered a courtesy review agreement with the town of Hillsborough. <br />Planning Director Craig Benedict summarized the information in the agreement. He said <br />that this is a formal agreement far the Board's consideration of approval and includes courtesy review <br />of an area in and around Hillsborough (within the County's jurisdiction) by the Town of Hillsborough <br />within a 30-day period. The area is the same as the 50-year water and sewer service potential <br />boundary for Hillsborough. Orange County would have the opportunity for a courtesy review of any <br />area within Hillsborough's city limits or within their ETJ that lies south of the Eno River. These areas <br />are primarily undeveloped at this time and are in the economic development district. There would be <br />a courtesy review by either jurisdiction of land use plan amendments, rezoning, special use permits, <br />and subdivisions of 35 lots or greater. The genesis of this agreement came through the Economic <br />Development District Work Group. <br />Commissioner Gordon cited several changes that she would like to see in the agreement. <br />These were noted by Craig Benedict and will be included. <br />Commissioner Jacobs also had several suggestions for changing the agreement and the <br />map, which were noted by Craig Benedict. He asked that the Eno River be identified on the map, <br />which is in the agreement. He would like to ga ahead and move forward with approving the <br />agreement. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to the proposed development named The Preserve <br />and the fact that Hillsborough was under the impression that the County would not consider a <br />development of this kind without first knowing that the Town would provide water and sewer to the <br />development. Craig Benedict said that his understanding about the joint session with Hillsborough <br />concerning The Preserve was that the County would not require a formal agreement that indicates <br />that Hillsborough would provide water and sewer to the project and that the public hearing could <br />proceed without that verification. However, he said that prior to any formal adoption or review by the <br />Commission of this project, something would have to be in written form setting forth the obligations of <br />the developer and the Town of Hillsborough. He said that he could provide this understanding in <br />writing to the Town of Hillsborough. <br />Chair Halkiotis would like to see this move along to include the comments made by <br />Commissioners Gordon and Jacobs. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />approve the substance of the Orange CountylHillsborough Courtesy Review Agreement, send it to the <br />staff for review and consideration of the comments made by the Commissioners, and return it for final <br />approval in March. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />d. Web Site Redesign Project <br />The Board considered providing direction to staff on how to proceed with the web site <br />redesign project. <br />Commissioner Brown said that her concern was that the County's website be very user- <br />friendly so that citizens could access information the way they understand government. <br />