Minutes - 02-20-2001
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 02-20-2001
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8/14/2008 5:29:15 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 1:52:03 PM
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Agenda - 02-20-2001-10a
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deposit fee. He would challenge Pubic Service Gas to contribute some money to help citizens with <br />energy assistance. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked some questions, which were noted by the staff. Also, for <br />next year, he would like to know from Social Services what utility companies are offering matching <br />funds and assistance. <br />Commissioner Brown agrees with what was said by the other County Commissioners. She <br />said that people need to understand that the County taxpayers are picking up the bill for the high <br />profits that these providers are getting. She would like some feedback next month on how this money <br />was spent. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Carey, Acting Social Services Director Martin <br />Whitt said that last year the County did not experience the two months of cold weather or the <br />significant increases in energy costs. <br />Chair Halkiotis suggested sending copies of the letter to the legislative delegation, the <br />Governor, and anyone else. <br />Martin Whitt told of a situation where a citizen could not pay her electric bill and the utility <br />was going to turn off her electricity, and she had a sick child that required a breathing device. He said <br />that the utility was not willing to work with the County in keeping her electricity on. He said that DSS <br />had to scramble around to get the money in time. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Brown to <br />appropriate from Commissioners' Contingency account $25,000 in additional General Assistance <br />funds for FY 2000-2001. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Smith Middle School Ground Lease Agreement with UNC <br />The Board considered approving an agreement with the state of North Carolina on behalf <br />of UNC-Chapel Hill governing the lease of, and improvements to university property that will be used <br />for the new Smith Middle School facilities. <br />Rod Visser summarized this item. He said that this item presents an opportunity to partner <br />with the University and provides the County and the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools the right to use <br />andlor improve 16+ acres of University-owned property for athletic fields, parking, and related <br />amenities fora 30-year lease period for a nominal rent fee. The agreement also allows the Chapel <br />Hill-Carrboro schools to barrow some dirt from this site to finish the remainder of the Smith Middle <br />School construction site. County Attorney Geoffrey Gledhill and other attorneys at the University have <br />suggested some changes in the language in the agreement. <br />Geoffrey Gledhill added that the University is excited about the partnership with the school <br />system an the use of the school facility. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Gordon, Geoffrey Gledhill said that if the <br />Board approves the Manager's recommendation, he and the other attorneys will have an opportunity <br />to make minor language changes in the agreement. <br />Commissioner Brown asked far clarification on the additional 2,000 square feet for which <br />the University has already raised one million dollars. Steve Scroggs, Assistant Superintendent of the <br />Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools, said that the UNC School of Education would be using the <br />additional 2,000 square feet. There has been a hold on this since the bond issue passed at UNC <br />because of their desire to add an additional 10,000 square-foot extension on to the Smith Middle <br />School site for middle school education at the UNC School of Education. The University has already <br />raised one million dollars toward the planning effort and they have already contributed $75,000 to <br />architectural fees to begin the process. Temporarily, the school system is holding off on the interior <br />design of the 2,000 square feet until the 10,000 square feet is further designed. <br />Steve Scroggs will send the Commissioners a copy of the architectural drawings for Smith <br />Middle School. <br />Commissioner Jacobs verified that the County or the school system would not be <br />responsible far the construction costs of the 10,000 square feet. He would like to communicate the <br />
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