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Health Director Rosie Summers said that they have contacted the public utilities to <br />see if they were interested in participating with the County an this program. A letter was received <br />from OWASA indicating that they are interested and would be willing to partner with Orange County, <br />but there has been no specific financial commitment. She said that there might be some possibility <br />for Clean Water Trust Funds to establish a revolving loan fund, depending on the survival of that <br />fund. There will be an intern that will be doing some grant writing this summer to try and develop the <br />loan fund. Also, in this year's budget request, there will be an Environmental Educator position that <br />will serve to start the education process for this project. <br />Commissioner Carey asked how the revolving loan fund would be used. Rosie <br />Summers said that the intent of the revaluing loan fund was far law-income property owners to repair <br />failing septic systems or to establish indoor plumbing. The Health Department is also applying to <br />CDC for a Public Health Service Prevention fellow far two years to identify properties that have no <br />indoor plumbing. <br />At 14:44 p.m., a motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by <br />Commissioner Carey to adjourn the meeting. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />Commissioner Gordon suggested that the Commissioners write down comments <br />about the remaining goals. <br />The next meeting is scheduled for February 24, 2441 at 5:34 p.m. at the Southern <br />Human Services Center in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. <br />Stephen H. Halkiotis, Chair <br />Beverly A. Blythe, CMC <br />