Minutes - 02-13-2001
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 02-13-2001
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8/14/2008 5:29:43 PM
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8/13/2008 1:51:56 PM
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Commissioner Gordon would like to have a report from this task force as soon as <br />possible because it could have a profound effect an the Cape Fear River basin. She would like an <br />overview of all the entities that are working on this and the timelines. <br />Craig Benedict mentioned that the task force was looking for a Commissioner <br />representative. <br />Chair Halkiotis nominated Commissioner Gordan to serve an the Stormwater Utilities <br />Task Farce. Commissioner Gordon would like to know the timeline and the responsibilities before <br />she agrees to do this. <br />There will be a money request from the Stormwater Utilities Task Force during the budget <br />deliberations. <br />Chair Halkiotis asked about the closer coordination with NC Forestry Service and asked <br />what would be needed from them. Craig Benedict said that the request is for reporting and <br />notification of what the NC Forestry Service is doing. An example of this is a report on the number <br />of trees being removed for development versus forestry operations. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked David Stancil to comment about the forestry event an <br />Tuesday, February 20t" at 3:00 p.m. at the Southern Human Services Center. Commissioner Jacobs <br />and Commissioner Brown will develop an agenda. <br />g_ Transportation Services <br />Department an Aging Director Jerry Passmare spoke to this and invited AI Terry, <br />Operations Supervisor, to join him at the table. Jerry Passmare discussed the services and <br />composition of the Transportation Advisory Board. He said that from time to time his department <br />feels that other entities should be represented, such as Triangle Transit Authority and Employment <br />Security Commission. Also, it would be good to have more representation at large and from the <br />business community. He would like to maintain the health representation. He said that this past <br />year there was supposed to be an updated Transportation Development Plan, of which the state <br />pays 90°~. The four-year plan must be in place in order to receive vehicle replacements, etc. The <br />state has been short staffed and is in the process of hiring a planning consultant to work on the plan <br />in Orange County, Durham County, and Chatham County. He also referred to the possibility of <br />Transportation becoming a separate department, and other options. He said that he would present <br />various options to the Board of County Commissioners when the transportation plan is updated this <br />year. <br />John Link advised that the TAB, and particularly the planning consultant, engage <br />Commissioner Gordon and Commissioner Jacobs and look at expanding the report beyond the type <br />of report that the Department on Aging normally pursues. Jerry Passmore said that the state <br />consultant would be asked to focus on looking at the organizational structure and come back with <br />options to present to the Commissioners. <br />Commissioner Gordon would like to see the Commissioners become involved sooner <br />rather than later. She would like the Commissioners to be involved before the consultant is involved. <br />John Link asked for Jerry Passmore, Commissioner Jacobs, and Commissioner Gordon <br />to meet and decide what steps should be taken next. <br />h. CountylNCACC Legislative Goals <br />Greg Wilder said that legislative goals were forwarded to the NCACC. The General <br />Assembly session began January 24t". The Legislative Issues Task Force met last week to discuss <br />the actual County goals, and these will be presented to the Board on February 20t". The deadline <br />far local bills is March 18t" and the deadline for public bills is March 26t". There is a legislative <br />breakfast scheduled for March 12. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the list of legislative goals. Greg Wilder will get the <br />list to the Commissioners tomorrow. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to a message she received that NACo is <br />recommending support of oil and gas exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. <br />
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