Minutes - 02-13-2001
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 02-13-2001
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8/13/2008 1:51:56 PM
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c. 250t" Anniversary of Orange County <br />Commissioner Jacobs gave a short history of the start of the County. In September <br />2002, it will be the 250t" anniversary of the first court of common pleas and sessions, at which Sheriff <br />Alexander Mebane presided as the chief officer of the County of Orange. He said that it would be a <br />great economic development and historic preservation opportunity to get the historic community and <br />the chambers of commerce together to work on some of the heritage in the County. He said that the <br />celebration could involve the schools as an educational opportunity. He suggested making this <br />celebration a goal for 2001-2002, and involving the Economic Development Department, which has <br />the Visitors Bureau and Historic Preservation. <br />Chair Halkiotis said he thinks this is a good idea, and asked John Link and staff to bring <br />back a proposal. <br />d. Indicator Program <br />Commissioner Brown asked for an update on this program. <br />David Stancil said that the staff has been looking at the indicators that were developed by <br />the Shaping Orange County's Future project to see which ones could be used to measure where the <br />County is and where it is going. He said that the next step would be to get the information to the <br />Board in the form of a report. This will come back to the Board in April. <br />e. Definition of Bonafide Farm <br />Commissioner Brown said that she put this item in because there have been some issues <br />about definitions of farms and if they were actually businesses in certain rural areas. She suggested <br />that the Manager find out if all has been resolved. She would like to make sure that people who use <br />land and live in a rural manner are not put in some kind of legal jeopardy. <br />Commissioner Carey asked for a report on this regarding the statutory definition for <br />Orange County. <br />Commissioner Jacobs spoke about such things as a bed and breakfast activity or other <br />ways that farms can bring in income without violating the zoning regulations. <br />Commissioner Brown asked for a report by June. <br />f. Erosion Control Update <br />Planning Director Craig Benedict distributed a handout entitled, "Sedimentation and <br />Erosion Control Update." There will be some changing responsibilities for Erosion Control in the <br />coming year. Orange County is the first county in North Carolina to apply for delegated authority for <br />buffer enforcement procedures. He spoke about the new fee structure to cover some of the new <br />activities. This fee schedule will be coming back to the Board at the first work session in April. <br />Commissioner Brown asked about state projects (i.e., Chapel Hill park development, <br />schools, etc.} not being under the purview of Erosion Control in Orange County. She asked if this <br />has changed. Craig Benedict said that the County did not have any more authority, but there is <br />mare cooperation. <br />Commissioner Carey asked Craig Benedict to explain the National Pollutant Discharge <br />Elimination System, #4 in "Changing Responsibilities". Craig Benedict explained that this was a new <br />state mandate that all point source pollution factors that are discharged into any local stream must <br />be monitored. He said that it is a very elaborate program on the enforcement end. Identification of <br />the sources of the discharges will begin in October 2001. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the river basin for the NPDES regulations. Craig <br />Benedict said that this reference to the Cape Fear River basin, which includes Cane Creek, Chapel <br />Hill and Carrboro, and some surrounding areas. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked Craig Benedict to explain the significance of the <br />Stormwater Utility Task Farce and if it was a way to meet these regulations. Craig Benedict <br />explained that because Chapel Hill and Carrboro are of a specified population, they have increased <br />responsibilities. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked if it was expected that Erosion Control would be taken over <br />by the utility group. Craig Benedict said that this was a possibility. <br />
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