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6. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS -NONE <br />7. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />a. Orange County Consolidated Housing Plan Update <br />The Board received public comments on the housing and non-housing needs to be <br />included in the 2001-2002 annual update of the Consolidated Housing Plan for housing and <br />community development programs and proposed uses of 2001-2002 HOME funds. <br />Housing and Community Development Director Tara Fikes summarized the information in <br />the agenda. She said that this item is being presented to receive comments about the annual update <br />to the Consolidated Housing Plan. The last plan was submitted in May 2000, which outlined the <br />housing needs of very low-income and law-income families in Orange County. The plan identified the <br />following strategies: <br />•:• the provision of rehabilitation assistance to low and very low-income homeowners and <br />renters <br />:• facilitate the construction of new housing units for owner occupancy as well as the <br />construction of rental housing for very low and low-income families <br />•:• the creation of transitional housing units, and <br />•:• assistance to local non-profit human service agencies who are providing a continuum of <br />housing options for special populations (i.e., elderly, disabled, mentally ill, and persons with <br />AIDS} <br />The second part of the public hearing is to receive comment on the proposed use of <br />HOME funds. There will be approximately $484,000 available to the County far the HOME program. <br />Eligible activities include property acquisition, new construction, housing rehabilitation, and rental <br />assistance. The HOME Program Review Committee has designed an application farm far those who <br />are interested in utilizing HOME funds in the coming year. The applications will be due by February <br />23`d. Copies of the application were available at the meeting. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the County should take credit for having Mebane in <br />Orange County. He said that on page three there should be prices of housing in incorporated and <br />unincorporated parts of the County. Also, on page five, the barriers to affordable housing, he <br />suggested adding, "lack of incentive for or interest on the part of private developers to provide <br />affordable housing." <br />Public Comment <br />Chris Moran, Executive Director of Inter-Faith Council for Social Service, said that a <br />number of quality things were happening with regards to affordable housing in Orange County. He <br />said that the Affordable Housing Task Force has done a great job and there will be some positive <br />results from it because of all of the different partners involved. He distributed a document that lists <br />some ideas, experiences, and recommendations that he thinks should be part of the consolidated <br />housing plan. He gave a short report on the Continuum of Care. He gave some examples of the <br />need for affordable housing. Some of his recommendations are as follows: a serious intention to <br />improving housing conditions and opportunities for mobile home residents including ample, adequate, <br />and sanitary mobile home parks; consultation and resources for families who are interested in <br />providing in-home care, including affordable housing for older adults; and insisting that a better mix of <br />affordable housing is planned and provided by developers for future projects, particularly rental units <br />that are in short supply. He read the draft vision statement for the Continuum of Care: "Over the <br />longer term, the Continuum of Care Committee seeks to eliminate homelessness and to promote <br />creation of an adequate supply of permanent affordable housing. As we work collaboratively to attain <br />this vision, we will help individuals and families to achieve their goals and live as members of the <br />community. We will establish an integrated approach to service, with strong interconnections and <br />communications among all of the institutions whose work affects the homeless. We will develop a <br />balanced system of services, focusing on the particular needs of the homeless, including strong <br />