Minutes - 01-31-2001
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 01-31-2001
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be located. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about the Board's process on this proposal. Craig <br />Benedict said that the purpose of tonight's meeting was to make informal comments. He said that <br />there was a viable stop for a train along this tract. He said that the train stop could be anywhere <br />along the tract. <br />Jerry Dickens said that they could not tell a tenant that he could lose parking spaces <br />after a certain period of time. He said that they were ready to go and that there were other spots <br />that were vacant land that could be considered for the train stop. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that this proposal was somewhere between very <br />disappointing and insulting. He encouraged the members of the two boards to go to North Pointe. <br />He said that there were na walkways from each building and that it does not Shaw sensitivity to the <br />public. He said that Hillsborough could do much better than this design because Hillsborough is <br />devoted to working on standards. He said that this project was not "Hillsborough." He is glad to <br />have the possibility of more places to shop but he expected better standards from the <br />development. <br />Craig Benedict explained more about the areas where train stations could be located. <br />He also spoke about the staff comments, which were included in the agenda abstract. He said that <br />the staff would rather have the parking broken up. Also, amixed-use development can stagger <br />traffic peaks. This project could generate 23,000 trips per day. <br />Commissioner Brown made reference to the financial impacts and asked how the <br />applicant based this figure. Bill Anderson said that the projected sales volume of $200 per square <br />foot was really low. The figure was based on market value. <br />Mark Sheridan pointed out that the applicants have been patient and have attended all <br />EDD meetings. He said that these comments were requiring mare patience. He thinks it is a <br />terrific site. He would prefer to see more of a mixed-use development with office space and <br />housing. He said that the plan does not have much soul yet in identifying and preserving same of <br />the history of Hillsborough. He would like to see a good project go through. He is concerned <br />about the ability for pedestrians to walk through the project. <br />Bill Anderson said that he left the public hearing with three ideas -improve storm water <br />retention, add more sidewalks, and add mare landscaping. <br />Evelyn Lloyd said that she was concerned about the size of the buildings. She does <br />not like the two fast food drive-through windows and would rather have a restaurant. She also <br />does not like all of the parking. Bill Anderson pointed out that the parking was part of the County's <br />code. Evelyn Lloyd said that the parking could be laid out better. <br />Ken Chavious told the applicants that the elected officials were not against the <br />development, but were just expressing concerns. He thanked the applicants for working with the <br />Town and County. He asked the applicants to come back with something new, different, and <br />special and to listen to the concerns. <br />Mayor Johnson told the applicants that the elected officials were talking about a vision <br />to enhance the quality of life far the citizens of Hillsborough. <br />4. UPDATE OF EDD TASK FORCE ACTIVITIES <br />Craig gave an update of the EDD Task Force activities. The first effort in working with <br />Hillsborough was to come up with some Entranceway Special Use District guidelines. Some of the <br />issues (i.e., moratorium, Southern Season, etc.) will be going to the Orange County Planning <br />Board next Wednesday, February 7t"~ The focus of the EDD activity is 700 acres on old NC $6 <br />between I-85 and I-40. The task force has suggested expanding the EDD north of I-40. The final <br />recommendations of the task force will go to public hearing on February 26t". The staff hopes to <br />have everything in line with the rezoning by April 17t". The task force will begin to focus its efforts <br />on traffic problems and road improvements. The transportation recommendations will come <br />forward in August ar September of this year. <br />
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