Orange County NC Website
4.a Staffing and Supervision of the Shelter (continued) <br />HSOC will work to achieve excellent service to the people and animals of Orange County. <br />Reasonable responsibilities will be assigned to every staff member and they will receive the <br />training and support needed to accomplish these tasks. Each staff member will clearly <br />understand what is expected from them and they will know that they will be held accountable for <br />completing their job in an efficient and thorough manner. Management oversight will insure that <br />each assigned task is completed in a timely manner. <br />A renewed emphasis will be placed on service to the animals and citizens of Orange County. <br />Visitors to the OCAS and those contacting the shelter will be treated with respect and provided the <br />best service possible. Courtesy will become a part of the everyday operation of the shelter. The <br />loss of this approach over the past months has resulted in lower adoptions of animals, unhappy <br />potential customers and staff turmoil, leading to high turnover of staff and to a poor demeanor of <br />those staff remaining. <br />18 <br />