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Chair Halkiotis said that one of the major drawbacks with the new high school site was the fact <br />that the community college would need at least 20 acres, which would allow for expansion, parking, <br />and the impervious surface ratio. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about the 20 acres and why sa much was needed. Barbara <br />Baker said that the task force was taking expansion into consideration. If the high school site were <br />used, there would be no room far expansion. Commissioner Jacobs verified that 2Q acres was not a <br />mandate. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if the facility was located close to an industry, how the curriculum <br />would be designed in relation to what the training needs might be. He asked to what extent DTCC <br />would try to accommodate the training needs of an employer. <br />Dr. Bill Ingram said that the advantage of being located near an industrial center was that it <br />enables DTCC to provide some specific training as well as general training. He said that the needs <br />of the industries change and employers want people that can work together in teams and have good <br />general skills. The hands-on training can be provided by the employer. He does envision same <br />specialized training programs in health care. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if Orange County would have additional representation on the <br />Durham Tech Board of Trustees if a satellite campus were opened in Orange County. Barbara <br />Baker said that this is something to be discussed. <br />Commissioner Jacobs supports a community college in Orange County because even with law <br />unemployment, a lot of the people are under employed. He would like to know more about the <br />ongoing annual cost. <br />Commissioner Carey asked who appoints the members of the Board of Trustees and Barbara <br />Baker said the County Commissioners of the home County, the school board, and the Governor. <br />Commissioner Carey feels that the location of the Durham Tech branch in Orange County is an <br />open topic. He too was initially excited about the possibility of co-locating but as he learned more <br />about the needs, he realized that the Board needs to think more broadly. The County <br />Commissioners need to have that discussion. He suggested asking the staff to bring back a <br />recommendation far a process on appointing a small group to analyze potential sites and to make a <br />recommendation on the criteria to use. <br />Chair Halkiotis said, in conclusion, that he supports the idea of a satellite campus of DTCC in <br />Orange County. He said that it was really important for people to understand that there is going to <br />be a four million dollar in-kind match by the County. He said that this was like creating another <br />school system in the County. Orange County is making a contribution and an investment far the <br />future. He feels that the County Commissioners need to further discuss this issue. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the programming at the satellite campus. Dr. Bill Ingram <br />said that Durham Tech has approval to offer 35 different associate degree programs. Those <br />approvals come with them to Orange County. DTCC has entered into an agreement with Alamance <br />Community College to share resources for similar programs. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she would like to have same sort of sense about what would <br />be offered at the branch in Orange County and some kind of analysis of how this would work with <br />Alamance County. She would also like to see a transportation piece on haw the students would get <br />from Orange County to other campuses. She would like for the staff to look at the statutes to see <br />what the rules are for a satellite campus. <br />Barbara Baker said that English as a second language would be a big program in Orange <br />County as well as classes in basic skills similar to those offered at the Skills Development Center. <br />Dr. Bill Ingram made reference to the transportation issue and said that the main campus was <br />on a TTA route, and the northern Durham center was recently added to a Durham Area Transit <br />Authority route, which is accessible through TTA. He cautioned the Commissioners not to try and <br />create another school bus system, but to locate the facility near public transportation. <br />John Link asked what an Intent to Proceed would mean for the County. Barbara Baker said <br />that an Intent to Proceed would mean that the County was committing to a permanent site for a <br />community college satellite campus in the County. <br />The Board agreed to ask the Manager to coordinate with the staff of DTCC to answer some of <br />the questions raised by the County Commissioners. <br />